Steve Petch Sunday 23 rd March 2014 “Loving God’s Church”
“Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her… For no one ever hated his own flesh, but nourishes and cherishes it, just as Christ does the church, because we are members of his body.” Ephesians 5v25 & Loving God’s Church
Jesus loves the church: Jesus died for the church (Eph 5v25) Jesus is building his church (Matt 16v18) The church is Jesus’ body (1 Cor 12v27) The church is God’s family (1 Tim 3v14-15) The church is God’s temple, where the Holy Spirit dwells (1 Cor 3v16-17) Jesus has no other plan than the church (Eph 3v10-11) Jesus gave the Great Commission to the church (Matt 28v18-20) Local church is where you can find your place in God’s purposes (Eph 2v19-21) Loving God’s Church
Are you a barnacle or a Barnabas? Loving God’s Church
Barnabas – Acts 4v32-37: Loving God’s Church 1.Barnabas belonged to the local church 2.Barnabas was an encourager 3.Barnabas was generous 4.Barnabas was courageous
Barnabas – Acts 11v19-26: Loving God’s Church 5. Barnabas had a servant heart 6. Barnabas lived in relationship with Jesus 7. Barnabas did the work of an evangelist 8. Barnabas released others into their gifting
Barnabas – Acts 11v27-30: Loving God’s Church 9. Barnabas was trustworthy
Barnabas – Acts 13v1-4: Loving God’s Church 10. Barnabas was a team player
Loving God’s Church 1.Barnabas belonged to the local church 2.Barnabas was an encourager 3.Barnabas was generous 4.Barnabas was courageous 5.Barnabas had a servant heart 6.Barnabas lived in relationship with Jesus 7.Barnabas did the work of an evangelist 8.Barnabas released others into their gifting 9.Barnabas was trustworthy 10.Barnabas was a team player
Loving God’s Church 1.Barnabas belonged to the local church 2.Barnabas was an encourager 3.Barnabas was generous 4.Barnabas was courageous 5.Barnabas had a servant heart 6.Barnabas lived in relationship with Jesus 7.Barnabas did the work of an evangelist 8.Barnabas released others into their gifting 9.Barnabas was trustworthy 10.Barnabas was a team player