LEARNING THEORY AND CHILD DEVELOPMENT Promoting Human Values in the Moral Development of the Child
Second stage (6 to 12) The Child enters a period of relative physical and mental stability desires to explore the universe Becomes more social and participating member of the community Wants to know reasoning behind names of things Begins to ask moral questions in simple matters, especially in context of his or her social peer group; begins to explore moral norms Shows preferences for a certain social peer group Adopts special heroes in addition to parents as role models
Promoting Religious Rituals Of course rituals and prayers are necessary in the early stages…Baba It is very important to teach religious rituals during these ages and to clarify spiritual values through stories, discussion, and activities. Children should be taught the sayings of great spiritual masters from their own and other religions, and let us not forget Sathya Sai Baba. Memorizing the affirmations is helpful.
TRUTH Teach such students about the divinity within….Baba Teachers: must promote introspection, self-examination, and self-audit through discussion, activities, and homework. Parents: should be encouraged to participate in helping the children begin to look at themselves and how they are aligning their behavior with the values.
Right Action Discipline is essential for the success of every endeavor of man…Baba Teachers should set firm limits and not condone unreasonable and unacceptable behavior. Encourage parents to do same. Teachers should work with parents to encourage the child to have appropriate chores. Self-responsibility for cleanliness and personal space should be taught.
PEACE Peace is essential for joy in life…Baba Teachers should promote devotional singing and encourage parents to conduct family activities together. Hobbies, picnics, stories, discussions, and visits to art galleries, zoos and listening to music are very beneficial at this age to promote peace.
LOVE Let melody and harmony surge up from your heart, and let all take delight in the love that you express through that song…..Baba Teachers should create a warm, accepting environment and encourage self-direction in the child. Teaching the enjoyment of devotional music, and visual and creative arts, is very important. Parents and teachers should set and discuss family goals.
NONVIOLENCE Recognize the unity in all things, which leads to respect, reverence, and nonviolence…Baba Teachers should build a relationship with the child based on sincere respect, and reflect the child’s feelings by active listening. Be empathetic and promote the child to get in touch with his/her own feelings and to express them appropriately. Promote awareness of the environment.
THIRD STAGE (12 TO 18) SSE Group III Seeks to establish him or herself as an individual Desires to figure out his or her relationship to society Has spontaneous feelings of altruism. Is idealistic, wanting to bring great change into the world. Embarks upon clarifying his or her dreams and goals. Resists authority and enjoys having a degree of independence, including financial. May separate self from others, as a “rebel”.
TEACHERS AND PARENTS PROVIDE MORAL GUIDANCE They should actively teach children inner and outer control over their lives. They should be encouraged to develop a capacity for personal moral confrontation. Parents and teachers should promote reflection and introspection. Discuss the adolescent’s feelings, beliefs, values, directions and goals.
TRUTH You have faith in your judgment, your intelligence, your abilities, because God within tells you not to falter or fear….Baba With the value of truth firmly supported, the adolescent is self-aware, and in touch with their feelings, thoughts, and values. Is truthful, honest, and possesses integrity and a sense of fair play and justice. Is connected to family and a network of friends and relatives. Is aware of cultural traditions and religious heritage.
RIGHT ACTION Above all, set right your habits, purify your conduct, and cleanse your behavior…Baba When right action has been properly taught and supported, the student is competent, striving, committed and hard working. Is capable and responsible for self and for his/her choices. Is disciplined in all undertakings. The student is capable of managing all actions with right conduct.
PEACE What exactly is peace? It is the stage in which the senses are mastered and held in balance…Baba When peace is supported and promoted the adolescent is happy, peaceful, free of anxiety, tension, stress, and fear. The student possesses skills of negotiation and problem solving. Is capable of generating and maintaining peace within the family and circle of friends. Is capable of managing his/her emotional life.
LOVE Love alone can alleviate anxiety and allay fear….Baba Teachers and Parents should establish credible moral leadership in class and at home. When love is promoted and supported the adolescent is loving, kind, considerate, generous, understanding, and dedicated. This age group knows how to generate and multiply the inner wellspring of love, joy, and harmony. Is capable of managing his/her personal and social life.
NONVIOLENCE Help ever, hurt never…As much as you can, do good to others…Baba If the value of nonviolence has been taught and supported, the child is self-restrained, balanced, and does not violate self others through thought, speech or action. Is aware of self and of the environment and the need to relate to the whole of creation. The adolescent appreciates arts, aesthetics, and beauty. Is clear about purpose in live. Views the world as an expression of God. The child is capable of managing his/her spiritual life.
FOR SSE TEACHERS First be, then do, then tell….Baba Work on your own character and become a living example of that which you seek to teach. Children learn mainly by imitation, so the example we set is of great importance. Keep stories and activities very simple and short for young children. Maintain an atmosphere of discipline and quiet, balanced with activities and acceptance of individual expression. Convey genuine love in all you do.