Branding & Integrated Marketing Future Is Now Forum Annapolis, MD By George Dehne GDA Integrated Services.
Keys To Branding Expectations Trust /Accuracy Effectiveness Creativity
Audiences To Ensure Trust/Accuracy: Current Students Alumni Current Graduate Students To Ensure Effectiveness: Inquiring Students Parents of Inquiring Students To Determine Image: High School Counselors Employers Community Leaders
QUALITYVery highHighFair CLIENT UNIVERSITY Inquiring Students 16%48%26% Parents 25%45%10% High School Counselors 5%57%33% Employers 11%17%28% SELECTIVE PRIVATE UNIVERSITY Inquiring Students 29%43%12% Parents 30%40%8% High School Counselors 38%57%5% Employers 39%28%0% PUBLIC FLAGSHIP UNIVERSITY Inquiring Students 29%55%9% Parents 26%51%13% High School Counselors 29%52%19% Employers 22%17%
Counselors’ Views ClientSmall Private Selective Private Regional Private Can’t Rate Enrolls an ethnically and racially diverse student body 48%52%10% 38% Has the most generous funding of financial aid based only on the financial need of the student 38%19%14%38% Excellent preparation for a career33%19%52%24%33% Provides the most generous merit scholarships 33%43%10%38% Back-up school33%29%5%43%33% Excellent preparation for professional school 24%19%57%19%33% Has an excellent academic reputation19% 67%19%29% Excellent location19%38%33%10%48% Academically challenging14%38%81%19% Safe environment5%10%43%48%43%
Affinity Analysis Prefer university to college Prefer private to public Prefer under 3500 students to over Prefer urban or no preference Emphasis on values & ethics: essential or very important “Good Fits” for Client: 27% “Poor Fits” for Client: 63%
Extremely Attractive Description Inquirers Good FitPoor Fit A university whose graduates are recognized by employers as being trustworthy 54%37% A place that prepares students to make a positive difference to society 49%31% A university that practices what it believes43%29% Offers a unique university and community partnership34%23% Prepares students for the social, political, moral and religious challenges of contemporary society 32%24% An urban setting that provides a "living laboratory" for college students 31%17% An urban university with a special civic responsibility23%13%
Extremely attractive descriptions of a university:InquirerCurrent Good FitDefinitely Choose Again Would Not Choose Again A university whose graduates are recognized by employers as being trustworthy 54%35%6% A place that prepares students to make a positive difference to society 49%35%6% A university that practices what it believes43%25%4% Offers a unique university and community partnership 34%20%4% Prepares students for the social, political, moral and religious challenges of contemporary society 32%36%5% An urban setting that provides a "living laboratory" for college students 31%21%11% An urban university with a special civic responsibility 23%20%4%
InquirersGood FitsAlumni Essential & Very Imp Essential Only Gained Great /Very Improving thinking and reasoning skills85%55%75% Writing & speaking effectively84% 72% Developing problem solving skills80% 69% Engaging in lifelong learning81%55%66% Developing ethical standards and values73% 66% Developing self confidence84%52%64% Getting along with people whose attitudes and opinions are different from my own 83% 64% Working as a team member80% 62% Developing leadership skills82%51%61% Developing original ideas82%44%57% Appreciating literature and fine arts55%29%59%
STRONGLY AGREE & AGREE AlumniCurrentInquirerParents The faculty should want me to succeed87%85%96%99% A good teacher touches students' hearts as well as their minds 90% 87%90% My professors should have a passion for teaching 86%82%96% The relationships I develop with other students contributed greatly to my education 73%72%81% A college can provide an excellent education and demonstrate a commitment to social justice 77%53%92%98% I hope to get to know at least one faculty member reasonably well each semester 73%83%80% The faculty should value my ideas and contributions 76%68%91%
VALUES ORIENTATION AlumniVery Positive Positive Strongly Agree Client has a responsibility to serve society. 34%45%28% Client provides an excellent education and demonstrates a commitment to social justice. 30%45%23% Client prepares people who make a difference to society when they graduate. 26%42%19% The Client community appreciates differences among people. 25%40%17% As a graduate, I feel I have a responsibility to improve the lives of others. 24%35%18%
Key Audiences Expectations Levels of importanceEmployersCommunity Church Extremely & Very Offer an excellent general education to its undergraduate students 100% Provide its students with a practical education94%100% Prepare future leaders of our society94%100% Teach students how to cope with a rapidly changing world 84%90%100% Prepare graduate students to take leadership roles in industry and the community 82%90%100% Help students develop sound values and ethical positions 67%100% Prepare its undergraduate students for a career94%100%91% Prepare its undergraduates for graduate and professional schools 62%80%82%
The Elevator Speech The Client goes well beyond simply preparing students for meaningful careers and success in graduate studies. The University provides graduates with the skills they need to have a positive impact on the social, political, professional, and moral challenges of contemporary society.
The Elevator Speech Client’s alumni credit the University’s purposeful liberal arts approach with improving their thinking, reasoning, problem solving, and written and oral communication skills, as well as preparing them for a life of learning and rewarding personal lives.
The Elevator Speech Professors with a passion for teaching and mentoring touch our students' hearts and spirits as well as their minds. Through challenging small classes where dynamic discussion takes place, the Client’s faculty ensures all motivated students succeed in an environment of mutual respect.
The Elevator Speech Client’s urban setting in Big City can greatly contribute to a student’s education by providing everything from access to an interesting part-time job to world-class cultural events and entertainment—all while remaining grounded in a real world environment.
Draft “Taglines” Learn things right. Learn the right things. Learn What Matters Preparation for Successful Careers and Rewarding Lives An Education for Impact
KEYS TO INTEGRATION Ensure Contemporary “Product” –Environmental Scanning –SWOT – Plus Solid Branding –Know Customer –Develop Institutional Language (Elevator speech) –Tagline (if possible)
KEYS TO INTEGRATION Complete Marketing Inventory Matrix On-campus Interviews –Determine desired outcomes –Determine efficiency –Determine handicaps –Determine missed opportunities Organizing for Integrated Marketing
TOOLS FOR INTEGRATED MARKETING Service Materials Reputational Marketing Target Cities Visual Identity Technological Communications Reflected Visibility
Thank You George Dehne GDA Integrated Services