Leading from the Middle: Open Access at KU ARL Membership Meeting October 15, 2009 lorraine j. haricombe
From here … No whining! Move beyond hand-wringing to solutions Do something
…to NEAR National Electronic Archival Repository Permanent archive for scholarly articles Author rights Publisher rights
How far to NEAR? 2 possible approaches: –Federal law require deposit in NEAR after 90 days –ARL, AAU or Library of Congress establish NEAR
Positioning KU 2005: Resolution passed by KU University Council Resolution focused on: –Awareness of scholarly communication issues –Role of libraries –Creation of digital repository –Amendments
KU ScholarWorks 2005: Provost ask faculty to populate KU ScholarWorks Libraries’ role –Work with faculty –Provide information about journal policies –Establish communities in IR
Implementing Shulenberger’s seven steps KU ScholarWorks Initiated by KU Libraries and led by faculty At outset involved faculty senate KU Libraries support faculty with NIH policy implementation Work with academic departments Identified early adopters Increased outreach and public relations efforts
From NEAR to here (at KU) 2008: Harvard FAS adopt OA policy KU Librarians approach Faculty Senate Faculty senate appointed two faculty and two librarians 2009: KU faculty senate passed vote on university-wide OA policy : Develop implementation plan
OA simply stated… Faculty-initiated policy where digital copies of articles produced by the professors will be housed in KU ScholarWorks. Permission granted by faculty is a nonexclusive, irrevocable, paid-up, worldwide license to exercise any and all rights under copyright relating to each of his or her scholarly articles Faculty will retain rights to all articles Faculty will have right to opt out Faculty governance and provost will develop details of the policy for approval by Faculty Senate
A few pointers Support faculty- let them lead OA initiative Identify strong advocates for OA Time intensive work Expect challenges –Resistance –Lack of understanding –Anxiety and Fear –Resentment
What are the Benefits? Benefits for individual faculty members (when papers are placed in an Open Access repository): Guarantees unfettered access to students, fellow scholars, funders Higher citation rates for scholarly papers posted on the open web. Benefits for KU, (whether a department, school or the entire university): Provides a transparent method to showcase, highlight and share the breadth and depth of its collective contribution to the academic record. Provides method to demonstrate its fulfillment to serve the University’s public mission to the state of Kansas Benefits for the general public: Will provide open and free-to-reader access to the body of work produced by scholars supported by public funds through state and federal taxes and by generous donations (by citizens) to the endowment. The public trust and public good will be satisfied. Benefits for the preservation of the scholarly record: Will provide long term preservation and migration of digital files. The university will supply this added guarantee. Protects the scholarly record in cases where commercial or non-profit publishers merge, change policies, and die, without the ability/promise to safe guard the long term preservation. 11
Additional Resources: *SHERPA/RoMEO – summary of OA policies for each journal and publisher: * About KU ScholarWorks-- *SPARC addendum-- Reuse_Addendum.pdfhttp:// Reuse_Addendum.pdf 12
Goals Appoint implementation TF Do significant outreach in Fall 2009 Identify resources to implement OA Encourage early adopters through outreach Implementation: July 1, 2010
A road less traveled Despite high profile of OA at KU, still hard work It is a road less traveled Each campus culture is different Do the right thing for your faculty Advocacy is tough Hard to estimate adoption rate What level of resources? Learn as we go While OA is gaining momentum there are still obstacles to growth Still it is an exciting opportunity for Libraries!
Helpful Resources SPARC MIT and Harvard Faculty Task Force
Thank you Questions? lorraine j. haricombe