Adjetives to describe clothes
BAGGY JEANS BASIC JEANS are insecure and shy. According to the psychologist people who wear….. not tight, baggy or decorated are very organized people and they are content with their life style.
DECORATED JEANSDESIGNER JEANS famous brands as levis, chevignon, diesel etc.or high fashion jeans. They are people who are not satisfied with what they really are. Ornaments are talented, artistic, unique and creative people. According to the spychologyst people who wear…..
Tight jeans people who want to attract attention.They are sexy and sometimes are vain and superficial. Faded jeans Are simple, generous, descomplicated and realistic people.
Baggy and tigth Are serious,sexy and descomplicated people. Adapted from Overall usuallly are serious and hardworking as the farmers.
I I like wearing baggy clothes. I like it because it is confortable. In this photo. I am wearing my favorite pair of baggy jeans. They are blue. I am wearing a blue and dark baggy jacket and of course, my favorite sneakers and my sunglasses.Cool!
These are my favorite clothes. I love casual and colorful clothes because they are fashionable and practical. My favorite place to buy clothes is a street market.
NOW, IT´S YOUR TURN. Baggy, tight, second hand, fashionable? Why? What are your favorite colors in clothing?