PART-TIME JOBS Do students need to work part-time or not? part-time or not?
What do teenagers usually spend money on? Clothes CDs Books Computer games Cosmetics
Helen has always dreamed of becoming (1)a ______woman, WEALTH and imagined living in a (2)_______mansion LUXURY and how her friends would praise her (3)____ GENEROUS when she gave them expensive presents. In reality she was usually hard up. She had some (4)_____________SAVE and a small life (5)__________INSURE but her antique shop was not really very (6)_______ PROFIT
Every time she took money out of the bank, the (7)_____________CASH checked her account and told her how little there was in it. Helen had taken out a (8)_______LEND a month before. How could she repay it? Then one day she noticed an old painting in her shop. She had thought it was (9)__________, WORTH but as she brushed away the dust, she saw the (10)________ at the bottom. SIGN It said “Renoir”! She was rich at last.
Answers WealthyCashier LuxuriousLoan GenerosityWorthless SavingsSignature Insurance Profitable
What kind of part-time jobs can you get? Baby-sitting
Working in the office Delivering documents, newspapers
Cutting hedges Distributing advertisements Washing cars Cleaning
Advantages and disadvantages of part-time jobs?
Arguments “for” Earn extra money Make new friends
Learn new skills Help your future career Become more confident
Arguments “against” No time for homework No time for family/friends Dangerous to work at night Salary is too small
Conclusion Although working part-time has some bad points for students, it also gives them valuable experience for their future career.