The EQF – European Qualifications Framework Aims, consultation results and next steps Martina Ní Cheallaigh European Commission Directorate General for Education and Culture
Functions of the EQF Neutral reference point learning outcomes Neutral reference point based on learning outcomes Translation device Translation device for comparing qualifications
The EQF Taking forward results of existing work Cooperation in higher education (Bologna) Cooperation in vocational education and training (Copenhagen) EQF builds on and integrates results of Bologna and Copenhagen
Our Lifelong Learning Experience: Obstacles! within and between countrieswithin and between countries between education and training systemsbetween education and training systems to use competences acquired in non formal and informal settingsto use competences acquired in non formal and informal settings
EQF Level 1 EQF Level 2 EQF Level 3 EQF Level 4 EQF Level 5 EQF Level 6 EQF Level 7 EQF Level 8 Country A Country B Q Q Q NQ F/ NQ S Q Q Q Q
A basis for co-operation EQF implementation is voluntaryEQF implementation is voluntary Entails no legal obligations on Member States or sectorsEntails no legal obligations on Member States or sectors Fosters change by supporting and informing reformFosters change by supporting and informing reform
What EQF is NOT! EQF not about replacing national/sectoral frameworksEQF not about replacing national/sectoral frameworks EQF not about harmonisationEQF not about harmonisation EQF CANNOT define new qualificationsEQF CANNOT define new qualifications
Swedish post- secondary engineering education (Påbygnadsutbildning) = EQF Level 4 = Irish post secondary education at national level 6 (Advanced certificate) EQF
A shift in focus towards Learning Outcomes Learning Outcomes Necessary for translating between systems Reflects ongoing reforms at national level May boost validation of non-formal learning
Recognition of Non-formal and Informal Learning Make visible (identify) Value (assess and recognise) + …competences acquired outside formal education and training Curricula and qualifications standards based on learning outcomes will facilitate validation
Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of national authorities Commitments to link national qualifications to EQF Long term reform process Learning outcome-based qualifications National Framework of Qualifications?
Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of sectoral stakeholders Sectors have expressed the need for a common reference point Focus on an outcomes and competence based approach Follow up of Maastricht Communique
EXAMPLE: Competence developments at sector level UK Construction Skills Certification Scheme (CSCS) Competence based holders Link to the EQF could point towards a Euro- CSCS?
Linking qualifications to the EQF: the role of sectoral stakeholders Invite sectors to link sectoral qualifications to EQF Facilitate sector internal competence developments Facilitate link between national and sectoral qualifications Decentralisation, self-certification and transparency
Consultation Europe-wide consultation process from July to November 2005: 32 countries in ‘Education and Training 2010’ Bologna follow-up group European Social Partner organisations Industry & sector organisations Education and training NGO’s
Consultation results Broad agreement that EQF is necessary and relevantBroad agreement that EQF is necessary and relevant EQF implementation must be voluntary; must not entail legal obligations on Member States or sectorsEQF implementation must be voluntary; must not entail legal obligations on Member States or sectors broad acceptance of 8-level structurebroad acceptance of 8-level structure EQF needs to be based on quality assurance principles and mutual trustEQF needs to be based on quality assurance principles and mutual trust
Need for further development An operational EQF Clarification of concepts Piloting and testing Link to Bologna Descriptors National level Sectors
Conclusion ‘Go ahead’ for development of operational EQF Need for simplification, clarification and refinement
Next steps Commission support to countries and sectors to test and develop EQF –Call for proposals DG EAC 22/06 - Award of grants for actions to develop and test the European Qualifications Framework (EQF), including national and sectoral qualifications frameworks –Deadline: 18 August 2006 Working group presented simplified and refined reference levels to representatives from Member States in June Drafting Recommendation of Council and EP
The Main elements of the EQF