Itembanking Infrastructure: A Proposal for a Decoupled Architecture Mhairi McAlpine and Linn van der Zanden Scottish Qualifications Authority CAA Conference
Introduction and Definition This presentation outlines a decoupled architecture for an itembanking system. Using small interlinked pieces of software, coupled with strong workflow and access management, it describes how an itembanking system may function as a decoupled system. An itembank is considered to be made up of a repository and database. It is a piece of software which contains and holds details about items. An itembanking system is considered everything up to the point of delivery, and also everything from the output of data from the delivery system. This is comprised of software; workflow processing and access management.
Decoupled Architecture: Benefits Easily adapted to accommodate change in model or workflow Pieces can be upgraded in line with specifications Small chunks can be built and used immediately Sophistication of the system/ community will place additional demands
Decoupled Architecture: Implications Strong standards compliance required Additional functionality to support existing processes may not be required at a later stage Robust testing required at element level
What does Itembanking entail? Software components Storage of items Generation of items Delivery, Marking and Result Processing Test Construction Data and user management Workflow processing Role-based user permissions
Storage of Items The Itembank: Repository storage of QTI files, resources, manifest files Database storage of LOM and QTI metadata, search and retrieval functionality Unpackaging Functionality splitting incoming content packages into their respective parts
The Itembank
Generation of Items QTI Authoring Tool: outputs QTIv2.0 items Specialist Authoring Software: to create additional embedded elements (eg graphics) Metadata Tagger: attributes data to items according to IEEE LOM standard and extracts QTI metadata Application Profile Development Software: interface for development of profiles which prefills metadata Content Packager: packages elements of QTI items according to IMS specification
The Itembank and Generation of Items
Test Construction Glossary Development Software: produces glossary which defines statistics for test construction Test Construction Software: takes in application profile (metadata) and glossary (statistics) to produce algorithm Item Analysis Software: runs required analysis from algorithm, identifying items from pool that match the conditions
Test Construction
Delivery, Marking and Result Processing Delivery Software: imports QTIv2.1 package from itembank, and sends responses to Marking Processing Software Marking Processing Software: has several elements for different item types i.e. human based, computer based or both Result Processing Service: aggregates items and implements pass mark or grade boundaries Master Results Databank: stores candidate interactions with item IDs which are fed out from the Delivery Software
Delivery, Marking and Result Processing
Future areas of Exploration First attempt at scoping the potential for decoupled architecture Requirements must be scoped for each element Roles of users need further defined Workflow processes need defined We are currently exploring collaborative development of an itembanking infrastructure with a number of organisations, both in Scotland and further afield, recognising the generic nature of the development required and the benefits of ensuring high quality data transfer between systems.
Contacts Mhairi McAlpine Project Manager Linn van der Zanden Learning Technologist