Partnership for Community Integration Iowa’s Money Follows the Person Demonstration Project.


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Presentation transcript:

Partnership for Community Integration Iowa’s Money Follows the Person Demonstration Project

What is Money Follows the Person? A $51 million, five year grant from CMS To help move 528 people out of Iowa’s ICF/MR facilities to independent settings of their choice. Grant funds the transition services and extra supports needed for the first year after they transition.

Individuals Eligible for Assistance Must be living in an ICF/MR for at least six months. Primary age targeted will be 16 to 45 years old. But children and older adults can also participate. Includes children placed out of state now. Must express an interest in moving out of the ICF/MR

Project Administration Iowa Medicaid Enterprise staff manage the project (as required by CMS) Close consultation with the Division of Mental Health and Disability Services

Five Year Project Year 1: Pre-implementation phase - policy development with stakeholder participation Year 2:75 people transitioned Year 3: 113 people transitioned Year 4: 151 people transitioned Year 5: 189 people transitioned

First Year Activities January 2006 through December 2007 Planning activities included: –Planning sessions with stakeholders –Transition Planning Team interviews with ICF/MR residents –An assessment of service enhancement needed to sustain the individuals once they have transitioned.

First Year Activities included Development of recommended protocols for transition management Strategies to identify interested candidates Establishment of transition team Assurance of informed consent Person-centered planning Individualized budgets (including access to the Consumer Choices Option if desired) Methods to guarantee choice of housing

More First Year Activities: Transition Service Coordinators’ training Development and implementation of Outreach/Social Marketing Plan Development of QA plan Development of evaluation plan Development of legislative recommendations to ensure continuity of essential supports after first year

Why is Social Marketing important? People may be unfamiliar with their options. Fear that individuals would lack sufficient supports outside the ICF/MR. Many individuals want to tell their successful transition stories.

IT/Data Management IME Technology Staff developed data tracking of individuals participating in MFP Using Medicaid Management Information System (MMIS) Individualized Services Information System (ISIS) Reports will be generated through the Iowa Data Warehouse tracking individuals’ expenditures after they have transitioned to community services

Stakeholder Consultation: Individuals and their Family Members County CPC’s and Case Managers ICF/MR Owners and Operators Community Providers Disability Advocates

Interagency Collaboration With Iowa Finance Authority to ensure availability of resources under the HCBS Waiver Rent Subsidy program. With the Iowa Department of Public Health to review Iowa’s Nurse Practice Act. Its impact on consumers” ability to self direct services Re-examination of the definition of skilled services Safe and appropriate assignment or delegation of individualized skilled services

Project will entail: Transition services before and after the individual transitions. First year demonstration services after the transition to a community setting. After the first year, the individual is guaranteed access to MR/Waiver.

Demonstration Services Include Supports equivalent to services offered in HCBS MR waiver Cost of setting up the new living arrangements One time only enhanced services such as Enhanced Home and Vehicle Modifications Nutrition Counseling

Permanent enhancements to MR Waiver may Include: Behavior Programming & consultations Crisis Management Services Mental Health Consultations

Individuals May Access Their Services Through: Traditional Medicaid Service Providers Consumer Choices Option with an Individualized Budget.

Iowa Medicaid Enterprise looks forward to this exciting opportunity for individuals to actively choose where they want to live and the type of supports they will need. Questions?