SGIA-BOF-kickoff.ppt - CCSDS SGIA - Space to Ground Interoperability Architecture (SGIA) Birds of a Feather (BOF) Out Brief September 16, 2005 Clayton Okino
SGIA-BOF-kickoff.ppt - CCSDS SGIA - Executive Summary SGIA BOF on 16 September 2005 in Atlanta, GA 11 representatives included NASA (JPL, MSFC), ESA and JAXA participation –Attendees: Shames, Okino, Crichton, Weiss, Yamada, Kearney, Peccia, Gannet, Hughes, Reich, Hartmann –Coordination Identified: ESA has indicated that they will provide some level of support (telecon, coordination level) – support from existing SAWG members JPL and MSFC are supporting effort CNES & JAXA are seeking support General agreement on: Charter of SGIA –– Some CHANGE in terms of generalization as to the service provider/user model, specifically do not constrain to SLE General agreement on: 5 step process –Some CHANGE in terms of language to capture iteration and stakeholder feedback towards the cross support service catalog cross support service architecture –some CHANGE in terms of refinement of the content including process as well as the level of detail of the cross support service catalog was identified. –DISCUSSION: There was general concern as to what the architecture would entail: A specific example presented was that it may be sufficient to provide gateway interfaces Possible options are the option to present interoperability at the gateway level or end-to-end service along with identified confederated nodes and profiles. Leverage IAOG DRAFT catalog Schedule - general belief we could get an initial WB by June 06 meeting There was general concern about the scope of “profiles”.
SGIA-BOF-kickoff.ppt - CCSDS SGIA - Action Items Agencies need to identify suitable TPOC to be stakeholders for the process Intent is to pursue from top-down and bottom-up approach General expressed need for contact with DLR and CNES for participation –No representation at meeting from DLR & CNES Update Charter and process to represent agreements
SGIA-BOF-kickoff.ppt - CCSDS SGIA - Risk Summary Not getting essential support Technical Personnel Active Stakeholders