Introductory Training for the Incident Management Team [Emergency Dispensing Site] Operation Part B Transitioning the IAP to the EDS Unit [Jurisdiction or Region Name] [Date range of Training]
The Scenario 1.New, highly virulent and fatal influenza virus 2.First phase of pandemic is over 3.Effective vaccine has been developed 4.Vaccine supply is not an issue 5.Only guidance from State DPH is: a)Essential service personnel in week 1 b)All other residents during weeks 2 - 4
Schedule Introduction – 5 min. Sub-regional discussions – 40 min. Regional discussions – 40 min. Wrap-up – remaining time Goals Develop knowledge, skills, and abilities Learn from one another Advance regional preparedness
Tasks 1.Discuss two questions a)One assigned b)One elected 2.Select a reporter 3.Maintain a “Parking Lot” 4.Reporter will describe what your sub- regional group discussed a)Homework questions b)Parking lot issues
Small Group Discussion Tasks 1. Discuss two questions a) One assigned b) One elected 2. Select a reporter 3. Maintain a “Parking Lot”
Break 15 Minutes
Large Group Discussion Question #1 How will you organize and manage the [EDS] site that you laid out in Part 1 of this exercise? Please modify the command chart provided with this packet to indicate how you would staff the site.
Large Group Discussion Question #2 Using the Job Action Sheets provided as guidance, please outline 3-5 things that you would include in training for the: [EDS] Director Clinical Unit Supervisor Clerical Unit Leader
Large Group Discussion Question #3 What Memoranda of Understanding would you need to have in place with vendors or service providers to support operations of your [EDS] site?
Large Group Discussion Question #4 How might your city or town determine when to end the [EDS] operation in this scenario? Who will lead the recovery effort and what will that entail?
Training Evaluation