The Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Program Frequently Asked Questions
Today’s Speaker Dan Humphreys, M.S., CDSS Director of BlazeTEC
The Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Program Frequently Asked Questions
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… Do the CDSS curriculum classes work for CEUs too? Yes. CDSS Curriculum classes are available for CEUs. The CEUs are offered through the University of Central Oklahoma at a cost of $20 for the CEU certificate. Why should I get the CDSS if I already have a certification as a CTRS, CPRP, PT, OT? The CDSS Program offers the opportunity to stay up to date on best practices, access to leaders in the field, and build a network among other CDSSs and candidates seeking certification. The CDSS enhances other certifications by demonstrating specialized knowledge in disability sport.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… I work in a VA hospital, how would the CDSS benefit me? The CDSS Program provides knowledge that can be used to assist veterans in entering disability and Paralympic sport. From classification criteria to DSO structure, the CDSS will be able to provide the veteran with a wealth of knowledge that can help them develop and maintain an physically active lifestyle. The CDSS Program offers the opportunity to stay up to date on best practices, access to leaders in the field, and build a network among other CDSSs and candidates seeking certification. The CDSS enhances other certifications by demonstrating specialized knowledge in disability sport.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… I’ve been in this job for 10 years and don’t have a current resume, what should I do? Update your resume!! Keeping your resume up to date is a good way to be prepared to provide information not only for certification opportunities but for a professional bio if you are speaking at a conference, writing a book chapter or providing a training session. Once I get the CDSS Level I, can I put that on my signature/business cards? Yes. You should use the CDSS credential professionally once you have obtained any level. Generally, people who have obtained certification only list the level on resumes, CV and professional bios.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… What documentation do I need to submit? Do you really need my CPR card? Resume or CV, degree verification, CEU verification, direct service verification and CPR/First Aid certification Do you need a copy of my transcript and a copy of my degree itself? A copy of your transcript is preferred and sufficient.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… Do you need copies of every CEU I’ve ever taken? How far back do I need to go? We only need copies of CEU’s that you will be using to meet the eligibility criteria for a particular level(s). What counts as direct experience? Who do I need to get sign off for on that? Any sport, recreation or recreation therapy work you do with people who have a physical disability. This includes any volunteer work.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… I’ve worked in this field for 10 years, how do I count my hours? We no longer count individual hours for eligibility. Level I requires that you are engaged in direct service for at least one sport season. The length of a season will be dependent upon the sport and the program but typically entails at least one meeting a week for twelve (12) weeks. Level II requires one year of direct service. This would entail on average, weekly direct service for a calendar year.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… What if I’m not sure I have a season’s worth of experience, should I still do the classes? We encourage all people interested in disability sport, physical activity, recreation and recreation therapy to take part in the CDSS Program. Even if you do not meet all the eligibility criteria at the time that you take the classes you will have the curriculum requirement complete and you can complete the other prerequisites as opportunities arise. This ensures that you are getting the most up to date knowledge and will be eligible for certification as soon as your other prerequisites are met.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… Does my own athletic experience as an individual with a disability count toward direct experience? YES! I’m a part of a BlazeSports club; am I a BlazeSports member? Even if you are part of a BlazeSports Club, you still need to complete a membership form. Membership is free of charge.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… Do I tell you what level I’m applying for? How do I figure that out? After reviewing the eligibility criteria and the curriculum for each level we do ask that you self-evaluate which level you feel that you would initially enter. We will work with you in order to make a final determination based upon your education, experience, CEUs and completion of the CDSS Curriculum. What if I think I know a lot of this information? Do I still have to sit through the Level I classes? Part of the criteria for certification is completion of the CDSS Curriculum. However, if the review panel feels you meet the prerequisites you may be able to skip certain classes.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Frequently Asked Questions… What if I attended the conference and have all but one of the classes; is there another way to get that class fulfilled so I can get my certification? We are offering a limited number of regional training sessions and plan to have an on-line curriculum available in 2012. How long is the certification good for? What do I need to do to renew once I have it? Certification is valid for two years at which point you must complete an application for continued certification. Recertification and verification of continued education/training will be conducted every four years.
Certified Disability Sport Specialist (CDSS) Additional Questions??? If we did not answer your question or you need additional information, please feel free to call us directly so that we can be sure to answer all your questions about the CDSS Program. Dan Humphreys: 404-270-2028 Leah Howard: 202-312-7419