For cancer awareness
As my father was diagnosed with prostate cancer during August 2011, it became apparent that many cancer sufferers get diagnosed to late for treatment to be effective and successful. During January 2012, I had a conversation with an individual that indicated to me that the drive is the path I must follow to make a difference in the lives of others that might not know that they suffer from cancer. In doing some research, I found that the fatality rate amongst cancer patients can be significantly reduced if the cancer is diagnosed early enough that treatment can be effective.
The Pole2poleandback drive is designed to cover most of the continents of the world. The drive is to start at the South Pole marker in Antarctica. Travel through South America and North America. Turn around at the North Pole Ice Cap Travel through some of Asia and the most of Europe. Transverse Africa on the journey back to Antarctica. The end of the journey would be back at the South Pole Marker. The whole drive, from Pole marker back to Pole marker in less than 12 months. Planning stipulate the completion in 335 days
The drive will cost approximately $ per rider excluding the shadow ship that is needed. Totalling $5 million in Sponsorships required. With every item that is sponsored, the amount of funds required will come down. Any funds that is raised for the drive, that is not being used, will go towards the beneficiaries of the drive namely CANSA and Hospice Palliative Care South Africa. Exposure for the Sponsors will be elaborated on later.
To bring the awareness of cancer to as many people as possible along the route of the drive. To encourage the people to get to know their bodies and encourage self examination for potential signs of cancer. To encourage the regular testing for potential cancers. Bring the message of Early Detection, Early Treatment to the people. By ensuring that cancer is detected early and treated early, the patient will be able to live a longer and productive life with family and friends.
To encourage the establishment of support groups for the families of cancer patients. As there are so many support groups for the patients, the families that suffer with the patient do not have a support structure from people that have already experienced. Sharing groups where experiences in dealing with a terminal family member can be discussed. These groups can form the support for the families in their hour of need. Sharing ideas as to how best deal with the trauma of seeing their family member pass away and what to do afterwards.
To raise funds for the drives beneficiaries. Funds to be allocated to the support for the families that can not afford to travel to support the patient while they are being treated for their cancer. To ensure that every cancer victim have access to proper treatment. To help with the financial burden of treating the patient in their last days – Hospice Palliative Care. The target of GBP per beneficiary is envisaged.
Events will be planned to raise funds along the route of the drive. Internet based donations. Direct donations Sponsorships Interest from investment of donations. Rallies with some of the Biker clubs along the route. Appearances at VIP events to encourage donations. Telethons to promote the Drive. Participation in challenges along the route. (sponsored)
Primary transport would be motorcycles. 5 in total, 3 for the team and 2 for the relay members. Jet Skis for crossing the oceans and the rivers where required. 4 in total as 3 being used and 1 in reserve. Snow Mobiles for the Antarctic legs of the drive. 4 in total 4X4 vehicles that will serve as support. 3 in total as 1 will be held in reserve. Ship that would shadow the drive and transport equipment that the team can not transport during certain legs of the drive. All will be branded.
The support team must consist of the following: 2 Technicians. Keeping vehicles going, service and maintenance. 1 Emergency Medical Technician. Will also assist with other tasks. Campaign direct/treasurer Video photographer. Video and still photographer. Ship crew.
As to date: Ewan van Breda – Originator and founder of Pole2poleandback.
Official Start at South Pole Marker: January 1 st 2014 Official end of drive at the South Pole Marker: December 1 st 2014 Hand over of donations to beneficiaries: January 2015
Display size according to sponsorship level. Branded vehicles Internet coverage: photos, streaming, site updates, Twitter, Google+, YouTube video snippets. Media coverage: Banners displayed at events. TV as well as print media exposure at events including branded vehicles. Radio Exposure with interviews and phone updates to various radio stations in South Africa as well as other. Print media: Book as well as newspaper exposure. Video about the drive to be released worldwide after drive as well as shortened 3D video. At least 1 Jet Ski and One Snow mobile to accompany the land based drive on the support trailer.
Promotional appearances after the drive at the venue of the sponsor. Banner displays at all events. Displays at events prior to the drive on banners as well as on the vehicles. Tickertape mentions during streaming up-dates on the internet. Association with Cancer Awareness Support for worthy causes. First options of refusal for future events Use of promotional material before the drive at no extra cost. International brand awareness.
Hand over function of Donations collected to beneficiaries. Video to be released in 4 x 12 episode series 3D video to be released. Photo books -4 volumes- about the drive to be sold online to fund the next drive for a different cause. Guest appearances at sponsors events Planning for the next drive 2017