Problem Statement: Broaden participation and collaboration in nanoscale science by creating low cost, remotely accessible instrumentation. Phase II: Nanomanipulator Design
Goals/Update What is a nanomanipulator? Ultra high precision position instrument What does Phase II entail? Add function to Phase 1 Manipulator Add over the internet controllability Improve Current device capabilities Add robustness in operation (remove blacklash/drift/sticktion) Closed Loop position feed back and knowledge Design for manufacture
Stakeholders Prof Schrlau (RIT Mechanical Engineering) Prof Stevens (RIT Mechanical Engineering) Prof Melton (RIT Computer Engineering) Nano-Bio Interface Laboratory Staff Phase 1 Senior Design Team End users of product (Students/Scientists)
Mission Statement: Increase access to nanoscience by developing a low cost, remote controllable Nanomanipulator. Versatility Portable Easy to set up Easy to maintain Cost Low cost Cost to manufacture estimated Remote Control Controllable via internet Keeps equipment safe with in operation Status of machine is visible to remote users Performance Adequate resolution Adequate range of motion Minimal drift Uses standard pipette User Friendly Easy to operate Reliable movements Operates with little backlash Controllable speed of operation Known position
Needs Rankings Mission Statement: Increase access to nanoscience by developing a low cost, remote controllable Nanomanipulator. Portable Easy to set up Easy to maintain Low Cost Manufacturability estimates Controllale via internt Keep hardware safe in remote use Status of machine visable to remote used Adequate resoluion Adequate range of motion Minimal drift Use standard pipette Easy to operate Reliable Movements Little Backlash Controllable speed settings Known position Portable cccccccccccccccc Easy to set upEasy to set up ccccccccccccccc Easy to maintainEasy to maintain cccccccccccccc Low CostLow Cost rcrrccrrrccrr Manufacturability estimatesManufacturability estimates crrcccrccrrr Controllale via interntControllale via internt rrcrrrrcrrr Keep hardware safe in remote useKeep hardware safe in remote use rccccccccc Status of machine visable to remote usedStatus of machine visable to remote used ccccccccc Adequate resoluionAdequate resoluion rrrrrrrr Adequate range of motionAdequate range of motion rrrrrrr Minimal driftMinimal drift rrccrr Use standard pipetteUse standard pipette ccccc Easy to operateEasy to operate ccrc Reliable MovementsReliable Movements rrr Little BacklashLittle Backlash rc Controllable speed settingsControllable speed settings c Known positionKnown position
Needs Rankings
Design a remote control Nanomanipulator Manu- facture Cheaply Design for manufacturability Manipulate objects under microscope Move in 3 axis Achieve high resolution Operate quickly Operate smoothly Operate repeatable Control via a computer Interface with users Provide visual feedback Provide position feedback Control position of manipulator Remote control Control securely Control mimics in person use Usable on any computer Provide remote use with all needed information User Friendly Easy to operate Reliable movements Operates with little backlash Controllable speed of operation Know position
Next Steps/Points of Concern Points of Concern Figure out how to give specifications for remote control How to give specification for hard to quantify behavior i.e. Backlash Balance the need for a cheap design and the need for a performing design Total scope of project is dependent on success of the ongoing Phase 1