Information-Rich Engineering Design (I-RED) Michael Fosmire, Purdue University David Radcliffe, Purdue University ASEE Annual conference, June 2012
Overview Investigate some Design Models Propose Integrated IL/Design Model Sample Applications
Need: Integrated Model Model recognizable to Engineers and Librarians Co-constructed by both to capture important components of each discipline A bridge to help start conversations and find common ground for collaborations
Prior Work: ABET Mapping 3b) Ability to design and conduct experiments 3c) Ability to design a system…to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.’ 3e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 3f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 3h) Understand the impact of engineering in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context 3j) Knowledge of contemporary issues 3i) Recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in lifelong learning -Riley et al; Sapp Nelson+Fosmire
Prior Work: ABET Mapping 3b) Ability to design and conduct experiments 3c) Ability to design a system…to meet desired needs within realistic constraints.’ 3e) Ability to identify, formulate, and solve engineering problems 3f) Understanding of professional and ethical responsibility 3h) Understand the impact of engineering in a global, economic, environmental, and societal context 3j) Knowledge of contemporary issues 3i) Recognition of the need for, and ability to engage in lifelong learning -Riley et al; Sapp Nelson+Fosmire
Engineering Design Central to Discipline of Engineering: “Design is regarded by many as the core problem-solving process of technological development. It is as fundamental to technology as inquiry is to science and reading is to language arts.” -ITEA (2007) Ill-structured problems mirror post-graduation situations, enhance transferability and deep learning
Info Gathering and Design Consistently find first-year students gather less information than seniors, who gather less than professional engineers. Number of Sources Kinds of Requests (Aspects of Problem) Time Spent Gathering Information -Atman et al, JEE 2007
Design Models Client Statement (Need) Problem Definition Conceptual Design Preliminary Design Detailed Design Design Communication Final Design (specs+docs) Product “The literature review is so well documented and understood that it might seem unnecessary for us to comment on it here….however, can be both vast and greatly dependent on phase or stage of the design.” -Dym and Little, 2000
“Radcliffe” Design Model Note: Team dynamics Reflection Stages are unique
Connection to IL
Characteristics of Info Activities
Information Activities
Information Activities
Information Activities
Information Activities
Information Activities
Information Activities
Information Activities
Implications Resources needed depend on stage of design process Mixture of technical, social, economic, legal resources Metacognitive process threads throughout project Beginning and end focuses on Knowledge Management Can target appropriate stage, or try to integrate throughout design project
Applications Provide Context: Design Problem: Provide clean water to a community in Sub-Saharan Africa Activity: Brainstorm: List the assumptions you can make about the community to guide your project. (materials available, budget, culture, local expertise, etc.) Locate information to inform one of your assumptions. Was your assumption correct? What other assumptions from your list do you need to validate?
Applications Assess Technologies and Approaches: Design Problem: Provide clean water to a community in Sub-Saharan Africa Activity: Determine ‘success’ factors of a solution (e.g., cost, ease of use, local materials) Locate an appropriate product that could be applied to the problem. What is your assessment of the product? Locate two external sources that evaluate or compare this product (or underlying technology) in a similar situation. What is the assessment of those sources? How has it changed your assessment of the value of your chosen technology?
Conclusion Assembling Examples and Approach into Monograph Initiatives at PU Press IL Handbook series Engineering Education series Coming Fall 2013
What is Information Literacy Anyway? Chp Title 1 What is Information Literacy Anyway? 2 What Does Engineering Design Entail? 3 Where Do Information and Design intersect? 4 Whose Idea was That and Why Does It Matter? 5 How do Engineers Manage Their Information? 6 Getting Your (Information) Act Together: Developing a Knowledge-Management Strategy 7 Finding the Lay of the Land Understanding the Context 8 Finding Out What Clients Really Need: Understanding the Task 9 Searching Outside Your Box: Taking advantage of prior art 10 We Have a Winner: Evaluating Potential Solutions 11 Making it Real: Finding the most Suitable Materials and Components 12 Making it Safe and Legal: Meeting standards, codes, and regulations 13 Selling Your Solution: Persuading with Integrity 14 Don’t Re-Invent Your Wheel: Capturing Lessons from the Project
Michael Fosmire David Radcliffe Thank You Michael Fosmire David Radcliffe Purdue University