Jade Titus Cargill Meat Solutions Schuyler, NE
Tech Rendering Melt Tanks Inefficient use of steam Over cooks the tallow (emulsifies) High temperatures melt the gel bone which increases FOG and COD values Adds water to the product
Current System Use approximately 13,700 lbs of steam per hour Both melt tanks are heated up to 218 degrees Fahrenheit Operators use manual valves to control flow of steam
New System Use approximately 9,800 lbs of steam per hour Have two temperature set points, one for each tank Use two automated control valves to change the flow of steam Insulate pipes
Project Benefits Send less stick water to wastewater Lower COD and FOG values Melt less gel bone Use less steam Current payback: over $185,000 per year
Pre-Evis Reason for tests High bacteria hits Different titration results Testing Results Not enough Lactic Acid in solution QA’s method was showing higher percentage than lab results New procedure QA’s now have more accurate tools The correct amount of Lactic is being applied
pH vs. Conductivity Needed a more accurate monitoring system for Pre-Evis and HOCW Conducted tests to determine which method gave most accurate results
Utility Monitoring Short Term Goals Determine current metering situation Determine areas that need meters Develop a system that is expandable Long Term Goals Pinpoint inefficient areas Determine best practice utility usage Payback: We anticipate a 1 to 5% reduction in energy consumption which would equate to $90k-$450k a year
SPS vs. 180 Cabinet Determined cost of running SPS cabinet and 180 re-circulation cabinet Worked with multiple food safety employees Recommendations: Replace Pre-evis with 180 cabinet Install complete 180 recirculation with a 180 cabinet and remove SPS cabinet
180 Recirculation Developed 180 re-circulation for Slaughter sterilizers Payback: $50,000 per year
Rendering Heat Exchangers Re-visited CIP Loop Developed new system Cut back installation costs Payback: over $130,000 per year
Previous HPCR System Inefficient flow control High boiler feed water usage High chemical usage
Current HPCR System Set point determines pressure differential Decreased boiler feed water Decreased chemical usage Currently saving approximately $625/day
RO Water to DA Tank RO water enters DA tank at approximately 55 degrees Current system doesn’t have an effective method to pre-heat RO water before DA tank
RO / DAF Heat Exchanger DAF influent would decrease 3 degrees RO water would increase 45 degrees Annual savings of $75,000
Hot Water Tank Booster pump is continuously left on which overflows the hot water tank Booster pump increases flow which decreases water temperature Low temperatures require steam to heat up the plants 180 water
Potable Water Control Valves Control valves will increase the temperature of the hot water tank Valves will reduce flow to ensure hot water tank doesn’t overflow System will be run by a PLC, removing human error
PLC Training Learned basic concepts of ladder logic computer programming Completed Logix Pro Assisted with HPCR pressure control programming
Paunch and SRM Solids Haul about 84 tons of paunch per day at 85 percent moisture Currently pay $18.50/ton to ship it to a compost site Haul about 33 tons of SRM per day at 50 percent moisture Currently pay $18.50/ton to haul and an additional $36.75/ton to landfill it
Houle/Haarslev Press Scheduled to pilot a 6 roller Houle press in mid February Anticipate lowering the moisture content from 85 to 60 percent Lowering MC to 60 percent will yield a yearly payback of $250,000
Paunch/SRM Drier Drier will take paunch and SRM solids down to 20 percent MC Tests show that drying SRM solids removes majority of odor Lowering MC to 20 percent yields a annual payback of $450,000 to $650,000 (this includes press payback)
DAF Polymers Performed multiple tests with different polymers Visited Fort Morgan Anticipating piloting polymers in near future
Co-op Experience Project Management Energy and Mass Balances PLC Training Lab Experience Trouble Shooting Communication Skills