LLC «Krasnodar silicon dioxide» 2014
About us 2 Purpose: production of power plants that are: based on eco-friendly and low-waste technologies work at the local renewable raw materials - rice husk produce: - electricity - heat - oxido-carbon powder adapted to the needs of each customer Also we can recycling sunflower husks and wood chips
Demand for our products in Russia 3 Krasnodar region Rostov region Primorsky region The Republic of Dagestan Republic of Adygea Republic of Kalmykia Astrakhan region The Chechen Republic Our products are interested and demanded in rice-growing regions
Growing and processing of rice crops 4 the creation of special dumps, leading to an environmental problem Production volumes N’000 tons per year Production volumes N’000 tons per year Volumes of waste N/’000 tons per year Volumes of waste N/’000 tons per year The problem of waste disposal combustion, which requires significant financial investments and has a negative impact on the environment
The company's products 5 High-tech power plant for processing of rice husk PILOT PROJECT LAUNCHED in stanitsa Kholmskaya of Krasnodar Region production: - 1 MW of electricity per hour kcal of heat per hour tons of oxido-carbon powder per day
Advantage of our power plant 6 Disposal of waste production enterprises Processing of raw materials without harmful emissions Creating a generation of small-scale distribution of energy Placing on the market of finished products Realization of excessive heat and electricity Low operating costs and low payback Providing heat and electricity for own needs
Competitive advantages of the technology 7 Energy Efficiency the creation of small-scale distributed generation of energy, working at the local renewable raw materials - cheap agricultural wastes; as a result - cheap thermal and electrical energy Environmentally friendly processing of raw materials without harmful emissions; as a result – solution of the problem of processing and disposition of unused agricultural waste Usefulness allows to utilize agricultural waste and to produce the output desired product in demand in other industries
Partners of the company 8 We are open for fruitful cooperation and joint business
Contacts Tel.: +7 (861) (861) Location map Address: office 15/6 buid. 4/3, Selezneva st, , Krasnodar region, Russia
2014 Thank you for your attention