Richard Smith
Centre for Low Carbon Futures Founded in 2009 by four universities: Universities of Hull, Leeds, Sheffield and York Funded by Yorkshire Forward – the regional development agency Sustainability for competitive advantage Evidence-based research driving: policy insights economic growth investment transition to a green economy
First Research Agenda: Cross-cutting themes: Smart Infrastructure Energy Systems Circular Economy Insights included: carbon embedded in trade improved breeding of crops energy storage in the UK and China low carbon supply chains
Post Yorkshire Forward Funding Company Limited by Guarantee owned by membership HEIF5 from founders and any new members Funding consortia Commercial income Exploring traditional and non-traditional funding schemes: Framework Programme / Research Councils DECC, FCO, DFID, TSB etc.. trust funds, charities, etc.. EU, UNDP, OECD, development banks, etc..
/ 2012 Research Agenda energy efficiency stimulating major scale investments at city scale developing new thinking and creating communities of interest in UK and China on energy storage systems the demonstration of carbon capture and carbon utilisation
Resource Efficient Cities Economics of Low Carbon Cities Building Retrofit Data centre for real energy performance of buildings (with EST) Future Cities
Mini-Stern Review of Leeds City Region Economics of a Low Carbon Leeds City Region Launched January 2012 in Leeds and UK Parliament Over 500 people at launches University of Leeds / Stockholm Environment Institute at York What is the most effective way to decarbonise a city? Low carbon options for households, industry, commerce, transport Business case for investment and scope for deployment Investment needed, financial returns, carbon savings, jobs created, value added
Why Future Cities?
Leeds City Region Mini-Stern Adopted by Leeds City Council and LCR LEP The Mini-Stern has had a tangible effect on low carbon policy across the Leeds City Region. It has created a credible focal point around which Leeds can build momentum across the private and public sector. Critically, it has also given us robust data, allowing us to implement ambitious but deliverable targets for reducing carbon emissions. Tom Riordan, CEO LCC
LCR Mini-Stern in Numbers Economy: £52 bn / yr Energy Bill: £5.4 bn / yr ca. 10% pa No net cost opportunities: 2% GDP per annum Annual savings created: 2.2% GDP Each £1 bn investment: £220 mn reduction in energy bill just over 4 year payback 1000 jobs £50 mn GVA
Climate Smart Cities: Build on Mini-Stern Replicate the study - nationally and internationally Broaden the Methodology adaptation, resilience, transport, water, waste Drill Deeper - Develop and Appraise Options detailed reliable evidence base on options for resource efficiency Mobilise Finance Stimulate and Accelerate Activity Evaluate Impact on People, the City and its Economy
Hull and Humber Mini-Stern Study completed To be published in September 2012 (?) Impact Opportunities Next steps
Thank you