Department of Juvenile Justice: County Billing Process September 23, 2014
Overview State and Counties share costs of juvenile detention: F.S and accompanying rules County of residence County costs limited to “predisposition” period Rules related to the cost-sharing system have been revised.
CommittedProbation Disposition Hearing (Sentencing) Max 21 days Max 15 days Predisposition days Max 24 hours Adjudication Hearing (Trial) Court AppearanceDetention JAC Juvenile Arrest
Presentation Overview Billing Process Legal Challenges 2014 Legislative Outcome Options Moving Forward Board Direction
Presentation Overview Billing Process Legal Challenges 2014 Legislative Outcome Options Moving Forward Board Direction
Estimating County Shared Cost County days used State-wide days used State-wide predisposition detention cost (Total) Estimated annual amount is divided into 12 equal monthly payments Final costs are reconciled at the end of state fiscal year –May result in a credit or debit –Opportunity to dispute Billing Process
County’s Fiscal Year Estimate Orange County DJJ shared costs Billing Process
Presentation Overview Billing Process Legal Challenges 2014 Legislative Outcome Options Moving Forward Board Direction
Legal Challenges Pre-Disposition vs. Post-Disposition DJJ significantly changed its methodology for county billing in 2009 – Post-disposition disappeared, became commitment days Result: Counties picked up more days – Orange County challenged final annual reconciliation in FY 08/09, 09/10, 10/11, 11/12
Legal Challenges Okaloosa, et al. v. DJJ Department’s definition of “predisposition” invalidated Cost-share was being based on budgeted amount, not actual costs Counties systematically over billed by DJJ State-wide estimate of county over-payment: $126 Million (FY 09/10 – 11/12)
FISCAL YEARORANGE COUNTY 2009/2010 $4,032, /2011 $3,964, /2012 $3,338, /2013 $4,464,453 TOTAL $15,799,704 County Impact: Overbilling Legal Challenges
County’s Fiscal Year Orange County DJJ shared costs DJJ Billing Process Overbilled = $15.8 M
Presentation Overview Billing Process Legal Challenges 2014 Legislative Outcome Options Moving Forward Board Direction
2014 Legislative Outcome GOVERNORSENATEHOUSE Proposed Budget Rulemaking SB 1532 Billing Process 50/50 No Payback HB 5305 Billing Process 50/50 25-Year Payback
2014 Legislative Outcome DJJ Rulemaking Following session, DJJ began a rulemaking process. The department published its Notice of Change this month. Probation, Violations 2-day rule (?) 57 percent
Presentation Overview Billing Process Legal Challenges 2014 Legislative Outcome Options Moving Forward Board Direction
Options Moving Forward
PAY HYBRIDCREDIT Miami Duval St. Lucie Broward Hillsborough Brevard Volusia Okaloosa Palm Beach Charlotte Sarasota
Presentation Overview Billing Process Legal Challenges 2014 Legislative Outcome Options Moving Forward Board Direction
Board Direction Options for FY14/15: Pay Hybrid (partial payment) Staff recommendation: Apply credit in lieu of payment for 50% of the invoiced amount Apply Credits (withhold payment)
Board Action Action Requested: 1)Approval to apply credits up to 50% of the invoiced amount in lieu of full payment for the Department of Juvenile Justice cost-share program stipulated in F.S beginning fiscal year 2014/ )Approval to take any and every action to preserve the County’s rights, including filing applications for refunds, commencing a lawsuit, commencing administrative proceedings or appeals and all other remedies.
Department of Juvenile Justice: County Billing Process September 23, 2014