1 Outline the case of Metalco factual information discussion justification of projects
2 Metalco
3 Information from the Case background of company background of company business of company business of company philosophy of company philosophy of company structure of company structure of company history of information projects history of information projects history of MIS Group history of MIS Group IMI project IMI project attitude towards the proposal attitude towards the proposal justification method justification method
4 Open-Ended Questions about Metalco
5 Open-Ended Questions Would you approved the proposal if you were a member of the G14? What would be the attitude of the four directors towards the proposal? What would be the attitude of the four directors towards the proposal? comments on the justification process the justification process the selection process of the software the selection process of the software the needs of Metalco on the proposed system the needs of Metalco on the proposed system
6 Justification of Projects
7 General Approach identify needs to change set up working group/task force define objectives and identify constraints identify alternatives, and for each one determine costs and benefits, tangible or not perform sensitivity analysis compare alternatives and select the best
8 Identify Alternatives understand system requirements thoroughly hardware, software, existing technology get help from experienced and experts take more options, include the do-nothing option use simple, mature technology
9 Determine Tangible Costs total cost in the planning horizon contingency factor from the bill-of-material of the system basic components: hardware, software, labor, miscellaneous
10 Hardware Cost Estimation quantities types peripherals new systems
11 Software Cost Estimation whole system, including for system integration, data conversion, etc estimation from in-house personnel request for proposal
12 Labor Cost Estimation estimate for current and proposed practices
13 Labor Cost Estimation read past headcount directly from the historical record for future, estimate the volume and use the current productivity indicator get advise from front-line supervisor calculate section by section, year by year, direct and indirect
14 Labor Cost Estimation
15 Labor Cost Estimation
16 Miscellaneous Costs Estimation
17 Comparison of Tangible Factors different aspects payback period time value of money internal rate of return depreciation
18 Different Comparison Aspects
19 Calculate Saving can easily calculate differences in quantifiable costs between current and proposed practices compare tangible and intangible items
20 Perform Supplemental Analysis sensitivity analysis to design for uncertainty
21 Comparison for Intangible Factors various methods: AHP, multi-attribute optimization, scoring, etc. general scoring procedure identify a set of factors determine the weights of factors set the score levels within each factor