Ergonomics in the Workplace Strategies and Predictions for a New Economy Rick Spencer, MS Omega Health Systems
Ergonomics – The Study of What?? The Process Approach Ergonomics and the Economy Conclusion The Future of Ergonomics Agenda
What is Ergonomics?
èSTUDY OF PEOPLE AT WORK. MATCHING THE JOB TO THE WORKER, NOT THE WORKER TO THE JOB. 4Ergonomics is not just a science but a way of thinking about design of tools and equipment, the layout of the workplaces and the overall organization of work.
Primary Objectives of Ergonomics To enhance efficiency, productivity, and effectiveness of systems, products and people. To enhance functionality, usability and desirability of systems and products. To enhance safety, health and the quality of life of people.
Knowledge Environment Behavior Ergonomics Process
Improper Lifting
Ergonomic Model
Taking the next step…#1 Become Proactive within the current environment, by prioritizing issues based on data: – Absence History or Discomfort - Data Analysis – Prioritize Risk – Use data to help resolve issues – Educate – Create a Climate that Supports Ergonomics
Taking the next step… #2 Cost Justify your solutions. – Use key measures other than absence costs Cost Justification Methods – Cost/ Benefit Ratio – Payback Period/ Return on Investment (ROI) – Equivalent Revenues
Taking the next step… #3 Integrate Ergonomics Up Front – Don’t wait for absence – Collect data to prioritize risk – Take your data to design – Don’t recreate the wheel: incorporate ergonomics into existing systems
Taking the next step… #4 Share/ advertise your successes Recognize and acknowledge efforts Start Again!
Economic Impact (NHS) MSDs are the second biggest cause of work-limiting health problems and sickness absence in the UK, responsible for up to 10.8 million lost working days in 2008/09. The cost of MSDs to society has been estimated at over £7 billion. Persistent pain and stiffness that MSDs can cause have a major impact on quality of life and can result in more days off work.
2040… Ergonomics in the Future
Disciplines Involved with Ergonomics Medicine Biology, Physiology, and Kinesiology Psychology Engineering Architecture and Facility Design Business Organization and Management Industry and Labor Relations Government Relations and Regulation
Occupations Involved with Ergonomics Physicians, Physician Assistants Nurse Practitioners, Nurses, Nursing Aides Physical and Occupational Therapists Chiropractic Doctors Personal Trainers Nutritionists Business Management Consultants Insurance Claims Examiners, Return to Work Counselors Engineers Physiologists Psychologists Social Workers. Family Counselors, EAP Counselors Safety and Health Staff Lawyers Government Inspectors and Officials Researchers Trainers Educators Usability Professionals Architects and Facilities planners/managers
Trends in Industry Significant use of automation Increased use of computers and telecommunications Increase in the number of office, laboratory, and service sector jobs. Fewer manufacturing jobs. Biotechnology, Nanotechnology, Infotechnology More diversity in the workforce Aging workforce Many jobs now require complex skills Increased focus on quality and productivity issues Increased focus on usability of products/services Global forces on economy
Ergonomics in a New Economy…
The New Workforce Reality… PEOPLE are the ENGINE for SUCCESS
The New Currency… Creativity Knowledge Relationship Capital
Workforce Optimization Capital Technology Brand
Human Capital Total Workforce Expenditures = 60-70% of Operating Costs – This is an asset. Perspective Challenge – Changing the mindset – Workforce is not a cost, but the primary source of growth and value Workforce Success – Generate a Workforce with the Right Culture, Mindset, Competencies and STRATEGIC BEHAVIOR
A Case Study – British Library What were the business benefits? Over a two year period: Absence dropped from 10.2 to 7.5 days per annum; Cost of absence dropped 11% (£160K per annum); Staff turnover was halved from 12% to 6%; Performance management results increased from 86% to 98%.
Is Ergonomics a Strategic Behavior?
Rick Spencer