نظام العدادات الذكية – المشروع التجريبي Smart Grid م. رامي مشارقة
نشأتها : عدد المشتركين حاليا ومناطق امتيازها : الحمل الاقصى في 2011 : الوحدات المشتراة والمبيعة في 2011 : الفاقد الكلي والفني : الانظة الحديثة الى استخدمتها الشركة مؤخرا :
Reliable: Smarter networks, focused maintenance, better understanding and greater load control Efficient: Solutions that help lower delivery losses in transmission and distribution, and technologies that anticipate and monitor demand Productive: Asset monitoring, management, maintenance and optimization solutions Clean: integration of RE Consumer Empowering: Consumers can understand their energy consumption patterns Load-Smoothing: Demand response, consumer empowerment tools and voltage reducing Volt/VAR technologies Secure: We can now use technology and protocols to help ensure data transmitted across the smart grid remains private Cost Effective: These systems can deliver payback in efficiency, reliability, capital-cost reduction and asset utilization ( Economically Feasible)
AMR/AMI IT architecture Utility communications and communications architecture T&D automation Plug-in vehicles Renewable integration Energy storage Utility regulations and economics Demand response….. Smart homes ( the ability to control appliances and devices switch on/off at home) Power system analysis Dynamic pricing Business case and financial analysis Cyber security Organizational change management
Literature review and other countries experiences. Influence of raising fuel (oil) prices and higher electricity price rates on black losses cost. Non technical (black) losses calculation. Methods of electricity theft. Electricity theft causes: social, economical, cultural, and absence of law. Tracking non technical losses. Fraud detection techniques. ◦ Traditional (conventional) techniques Vs modern techniques using technology (smart grids, smart meters). ◦ Pilot projects in JDECO: using smart grids and meters for validation and tracking non-technical losses.(Real Experience) JDECO Experience and the significant increase in energy losses. Reduction of non-technical losses, strategies and plans. Impact of contribution of Renewable Energy resources and energy conservation on reduction of losses ( converting the consumer to producer)
Energy experts agree that, in the next two decades, global prices of primary energy resources (oil and other fossil fuels) will be raising in real terms. The International Energy Agency forecasts world oil prices rebounding to about US$130 (2007 U.S. dollars) per barrel in 2030 [1]. This will apparently increase the electricity price rates, which will surly raise the losses cost. Our life is increasingly becoming more dependent on energy (esp. electricity), and so the demand also rises more year after year more than what the experts forecasted. Accordingly, the cost of generation, transmission and distribution of each unit (Kwh) of electricity goes up, and so each piece of this unit must be detected, controlled and tracked from the source until reach, delivery to the customer and counted by meters. For aforementioned reasons, losses problem takes now a days the main priority in the utilities working in power sector, especially in developing areas, as this problem is threatening their existence and continuity. In electricity supply to final consumers, losses refer to the amounts of electricity injected into the transmission and distribution grids that are not paid for by customers.
Technical losses occur naturally because of the physical components of the system parts, and consist mainly of power dissipation in electricity system components such as transmission and distribution lines (conductor loss), transformers (core loss), and measurement systems (potential/current coils in metering equipment).Technical losses are possible to compute and control, and reduce. [2] Non-technical losses are caused by actions external to the power system and Includes the component of distribution network losses that is not related to the physical characteristics. It consists primarily of electricity theft, tampering of meters, non-payment by customers, errors in accounting and record keeping, and errors in technical losses computation. Non technical losses are more difficult to measure; the most prominent forms of non technical losses are electricity theft and non-payment, which have the most contribution in the non technical losses. Non-technical losses = Total distribution network losses – (Administrative losses + Technical losses) Administrative losses: Includes the component of distribution network losses that accounts for the electric energy used by the distribution utility in the proper operation of the distribution network. Substations, offices, warehouses and workshops, and other essential electrical loads are usually considered as part of the administrative loss. In practice administrative losses are determined by measurement, and thus the accuracy of the estimate for non-technical losses is largely dependent on the accuracy of the estimation of technical losses and administrative losses [3]. In some literature they account the errors in meter readings, over readings, billing errors as administrative losses.
دأبت ادارة الشركة ومنذ بداية ثورة الاتصال عبر خطوط الكهرباء (PLC) ، لمتابعة هذه التكنولوجيا والبحث في افضل الحلول الممكنة في هذا المجال ،، من خلال : ◦ حضور المؤتمرات والورش في هذا المجال في مختلف انحاء العالم ،، ◦ تطبيق 3 مشاريع ( Pilot Projects ) ◦ المشروع الاول مع شركة SAC الاسبانية في قرية القبيبة باستخدام ◦ Narrow band PLC using Prime Protocol ◦ المشروع الثاني مع شركة Power com الالمانية في حي الطيرة / رام الله ◦ Broad Band PLC ◦ المشروع الثالث مع شركة Power com المحلية في منطقة بيت جالا / القدس ◦ Narrow band PLC using SFSK Protocol
Schemes of PLC communication and Protocols ◦ Narrow band Vs Broad Band ◦ FSK, SFSK Vs OFDM ( Prime ) ◦ Dlms
بدء المشروع بتاريخ 01/06/2011 شمل تغيير جميع العدادات لعشرة محولات توزيع بمجموع 863 خدمة. المحولات المشمولة هي : ( جزء من بيت حنينا وتشمل : الهجرة، اللوثري، الشويكي، الطحان ) ( جزء من حزما : المشتل، سلكوم، طبلاس ) ( الخلايلة في الجيب، ومنطقة النبي صمويل ). العمل حاليا جاري لاستكمال عدادات جميع منطقة حزما والنبي صمويل.
الحصول على القراءات اللازمة عن بعد المراقبة المالية للمشترك استخدام نظام الدفع المسبق تحديد استهلاك المشترك المراقبة الفنية المشترك عدادات القراءة عن بعد وصل و فصل التيار عن بعد
1000 KwH Analyzing Daily Energy Line Loss …………………………… KwH Total Loss : Meters : % 100 KwH150 KwH 180 KwH230 KwH140 KwH Master Meter
DCU: مجمع البيانات Validation: مراقبة الفيدر الرئيسي محول تيار لعداد Validation
المحولالفيدر الفاقد (%) الزيادة او النقصان 15/09/201103/10/2011 الشويكي CR CR CR الفاقد على محول الشويكي حسب الفيدرات
المحولالفيدر الفاقد (%) الزيادة او النقصان 15/09/ /10/2011 الطحان CR CR الفاقد على محول الطحان حسب الفيدرات
المحولالفيدر الفاقد (%) الزيادة او النقصان 15/09/ /10/2011 الهجرة CR CR CR CR Sub-Validation الفاقد على محول الهجرة حسب الفيدرات
المحولالفيدر الفاقد (%) الزيادة او النقصان 15/09/ /10/2011 اللوثري CR CR CR CR الفاقد على محول اللوثري حسب الفيدرات
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