Tech for Teachers EDU 216 Lesson 4
Google-Part 1 Google is not only a search engine, it is so much more. It has been said that it may be one of the best resources for teachers.
What is Google Chrome? Google Chrome is a web browser like Internet Explorer, Safari, and Firefox.Google Chrome Assignment: Download Google Chrome and try it out. Click on the Google Chrome link above and follow the on screen instructions to download.
Google Chrome
What are Google Chrome Extensions?
Google Chrome Extensions Read these articles- 15+ Great Chrome Extensions for Teachers 10 Free Google Extensions Teacher Should Try 6 Extensions that Super Charge my Chromebook The Best Chrome Extensions
What are Google Chrome Apps Chrome Apps are advanced interactive websites providing either a wide-ranging set of features, or focusing on a single task like photo editing or shopping. Apps and Extensions can be found on the Chrome Web Store
Google Chrome Apps
Assignment: Apps and Extensions Download 10 Chrome Education Apps and 5 Extensions. 1. Open the apps and extensions and explore. 2. Fill out this worksheet.worksheet 3. Share two of your favorite apps and two of your favorite extensions on our class website blog page as a comment on the Lesson 4 post. Chrome Web Store Chrome Store - Education. Chrome Web Store Chrome Store - Education