HKIEd Library 2013/14
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3 Google Basics Upper case or lower case doesn't matter Word Order, Phrases – put phrases in double quotes; most important words first kowloon city vs city kowloon vs "city kowloon" kowloon city city kowloon"city kowloon" english speakers learning cantonese vs cantonese speaker learning english english speakers learning cantonesecantonese speaker learning english Exclude some words – use minus sign chrome will find a lot of results about the web browser offered by Google; use chrome -google to remove search results mentioning Google chrome chrome -google
4 Google Advanced Searches Reserved word: OR chinese american movies = [chinese] and [american] and [movies] chinese american movies chinese OR american movies = chinese OR american and movies chinese OR american movies Site search "university of education" Overdue fines Filetype Search unemployment rate hong kong japan singapore filetype:xls unemployment rate hong kong japan singapore filetype:xls ipad user guide filetype:PDF
5 More Google Tricks Dictionary – define: blended learningdefine: Calculator – 23 * * Conversion 3259 seconds in hours 10km in miles -10C in F Foreign Exchange hkd in cny 4100 eur in hkd Search features:
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12 Be careful with Copyright restrictions! Why not use Britannica Image QuestBritannica Image Quest ?
13 Britannica Image Quest
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17 More Google Tricks Wild Cards "*" "Hong Kong Institute of * Education" "Tsang * Sing" More Google tools – translate, images, videos, news, maps, blog search … and Google Scholar, Google Bookstranslateimagesvideosnews mapsblog searchGoogle ScholarGoogle Books
18 Google Scholar Google Scholar allows you to search only the more "academic" / "scholarly" contents of Google – books, journal articles, conference papers, public domain research databases with options suited for academic purposes not offered in standard Google like: Search by Article Title / Author / Journal Title Limit by Publication Years / Subject Areas Citation Searches, Related Articles Linking to HKIEd Library-Subscribed Online Resources by EdLink Direct Export to RefWorks
19 Google Scholar To look for a specific article, simply enter the article title. If the article title is very general and it does not show up immediately, enclose the article title with double quotes, add the author's name and / or journal title / publication year E.g. Crisp, Victoria (2008) "Exploring the nature of examiner thinking during the process of examination marking". Cambridge Journal of Education. 38(2): Exploring the nature of examiner thinking during the process of examination marking
20 If is displayed, it indicates that full text to the article may be available through Library-subscribed databases.
21 Google Scholar If is displayed, it indicates that full text to the article may be available through Library-subscribed databases. If Check EdLINK is displayed, generally we don't have online full text to the specific issue. You may still click it – sometimes we may have a print version.
23 Google Scholar Of course, you can also use Google Scholar as a discovery tool and find relevant articles and books related to your research topic. Simply enter the key concepts of your topic with the more important keywords listed first and use double quotes for phrases: E.g. "inclusive education" elementary schools hong kong"inclusive education" elementary schools hong kong Quick limit options: Include citations / at least summaries Anytime / since …. (year)
24 By default: Include citation & patents; anytime
25 Include citations only; since 2013
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27 Choose to export the citation to RefWorks
28 For computers on campus: is activated by default. For computers off campus: search “hong kong” at “Library Links” and activate EdLINK; then Save Preferences
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30 Advanced Scholar Search Advanced search
31 Advanced Scholar Search Options Where my words occur: Anywhere in the article In the title of the article
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33 Google Scholar Author Search (author:) – use the surname and initial of the given name and / or Christian name E.g. teacher education author:“lee jc"teacher education author:“lee jc" Journal / publication title search E.g. citizenship education (publication = moral education)citizenship education Dates (year) – can be a specific year or a range of years E.g. citizenship education year: 2005 – 2007citizenship education
34 Google Scholar Cited by … Related articles
35 Google Books
37 Google Books Notwithstanding the legal issues related to Google Books, it is a great research tool in itself Google not only scans but OCR's the text; obtain full text from its partners making it possible to easily search for a sentence in the book E.g. "social media forces libraries to act as if they exist an individual""social media forces libraries to act as if they exist an individual"
39 Google Books Book come from its Partner Program (copyright holders like publishers, authors granting different levels of permission) and Library ProjectLibrary Project May or may not be able to view full text: May or may not be able to view full text Full view Snippet View Limited Preview No Preview
40 You can browse: Different Kinds of Books and Magazines Available
41 Google Books – Many Search Options available in the personal acount
43 But Google ≠Everything There is no free lunch. Google is great but it doesn't own the Web – in particular the research materials and contents that it indexes; The Library already paid for a lot of e-journals, e-books, e- newspapers so that you can access free online – e.g. compare the Library PressDisplay and other free online newspapers; and our Britannica Image QuestLibrary PressDisplayBritannica Image Quest And remember, still not everything is in electronic format or online – check out iSearch – our Intelligent one-stop Searching which includes both Library books, videos, music as well as journal articlesiSearch So, if you only rely on Google, you are going to miss a lot.
44 iSearch: Intelligent One-Stop Searching
45 Other Resources You Should Know Local ones: HKU Digital Initiatives including Hong Kong Journals Online; Hong Kong Government Reports Online ( ); Hong Kong Table of Contents Database; Hong Kong University Theses Online … Kong Journals OnlineHong Kong Government Reports Online ( )Hong Kong Table of Contents DatabaseHong Kong University Theses Online Hong Kong Literature Database (HKLit); Index to Chinese Periodicals of Hong Kong (HKInChiP); Modern Chinese Literature Research Portal; CUHK ULS E-Journal Initiatives Hong Kong Literature Database (HKLit)Index to Chinese Periodicals of Hong Kong (HKInChiP)Modern Chinese Literature Research PortalCUHK ULS E-Journal Initiatives Dissertations and Theses Collection (DTC) HK Public Libraries Digital Collections including the Old HK Newspaper Project HK Public Libraries Digital Collections Old HK Newspaper Project Wayback machine from the Internet Archive –
46 Why You Can't Trust Everything You Found on the Internet Evaluation Criteria: Who created it? Are they trustworthy? Are they who they say they are? Is it a personal web page or an organizational web page? When was it created and updated? Click on the related links – how many dead links are there? What are the target audience? Are there advertising on it? What is the tone and design of it? Are the contents objective? Who sponsored it? Something just doesn't add up? Too good to be true? Short Reading: Evaluating Web Pages: Techniques to Apply & Questions to Ask Evaluating Sources in Harvard Guide to Using Sources: A Publication of the Harvard College Writing Program. group group107786
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