Shopping Mall Unit Facades Let’s begin with facades. What is it? A façade is the front of or the face of a store space. There are two types of facades: an open façade and a closed façade.
Traits of open facades: -sign that names the business above space -sign usually fills the whole upper area -tables, racks of goods, in front of store -bright lights so store area seems large -sometimes air is scented to attract customers -usually sales people near front to greet -cash register near front
Traits of closed façade: -sign with name above store -sign usually fits upper area -attractive display in windows to attract customers -glass is sparkling, gives image of pride in store -usually only one doorway -sales people to help you, ask if you need help -cash register may be near middle or front
Signs: -Signs can be made of plastic, metal, chrome, Brass or neon -many signs reflect the theme such as rustic, playful, elegant, old, funky, new, ect… -some signs are made up of wood, chrome, metal, plastic or neon -some signs move or letters swing -some signs use different lettering or calligraphy to create a theme
Facades since the beginning of time! What type of business is this?
Disney Façade, playful,..why did they use orange and pumpkins? Here are some examples of facades:
Graffiti façade: Why did they use graffiti to welcome their customers?
Zipper store: Why did they use chose white for their façade?
Palm Tree façade: What theme are they presenting?
Renaissance façade? France perhaps?
Rustic facade
Okaidi Façade: What type of store is this?
Nike: Relying on its logo!
Boot? Is this part of a façade and why?
A neon sign! Why?
Window displays since 1903!
Window displays Let’s take a look see!
Aladdin or genie keeping with the playfulness!
Pick Pink!
Use a tree?
Use shapes and colours!
Use the classics; Cinderella.
Dramatic, neon, bright colours!
Alice in wonderland is always a favourite!
Yummy! Mini Cakes!
Facades and Window displays Keep in mind your target consumer Who do you want to attract? How do you want to do this? Smell, colour, images, themes, shapes, lights… Do not overwhelm! Sometimes less is more! Take a look around the mall see what attracts you and your friends!