10/24/2010 Distributed Software Development
10/24/2010 Content Recommendation and Reuse Current state – Beta Prototype Hamid Riaz, Loredana Baračić
10/24/2010 Contents Current status Project process Important events Experiences Demo Conclusion
10/24/2010 Current status(1) Time lines: Working Hours:
10/24/2010 Current status (2) Milestones
10/24/2010 Project process iterative and incremental development summary week reports un/scheduled meetings, SVN, Google groups Alpha point Beta point Final result
10/24/2010 Important events New co-worker Tin Stavinoha o Building and extension for OpenOffice Impress o Connecting on server through server’s interface o Support for displaying links regarding user’s content
10/24/2010 Important events Meeting with Ivica o Suggestions to improve o Instead of one should have two weekly meetings o Voice conversation o Start work on integration parallel to the internal functionality of each module o No (we and them) One team
10/24/2010 Experiences o Clearly identify task of everyone o Start integration as soon as possible o Communicate on regular basis o Inform other team members about your work
10/24/2010 Demo Still facing Client side o Firefox add-on interface o Additional chrome extension Server side o Connecting to Zemanta o Receiving keywords o Assigning priority to keywords o Collecting URLS from Wikipedia
10/24/2010 Client side improvement of GUI extension for Chrome browser collecting content from generic forms o textboxes and text areas collecting basic context from Mediawiki o title and categories copying selection to user's tool
10/24/2010 Client side - Firefox add-on
10/24/2010 Client side - Chrome extension
10/24/2010 Server side
10/24/2010 Conclusion Start integration as soon as possible Improve current state of project Improve weak points Improve organization Try to solve upcoming tasks Face current problems Code some more :)
10/24/2010 Questions? Squirrel!