Anatomy & Neurobiology ANA 812 Lab Session Muscle Tissue Katherine Freedman Jamie Lewis Jennifer Moore Andrea Thomas Andrew Usery
Anatomy & Neurobiology
Slide #29 Skeletal Muscle – Human (H&E) at 4X Cross section Longitudinal section
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #29 Skeletal Muscle – Human (H&E) at 40X Perimysium Endomysium Peripheral Nuclei Fascicle Epimysium 4x
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #29 Skeletal Muscle – Human (H&E) at 40X Endomysium Perimysium Nuclei Fascicle A, I, & Z bands
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #73 Infant Tongue – Human (H&E) 4X
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #73 Infant Tongue – Human (H&E) 40X Fibers oriented at right angles to each other
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #20 Vertebra – Dog (H&E) 4X Muscle Spindle
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #20 Vertebra – Dog (H&E) 40X Skeletal Muscle Intrafusal Fibers Fluid Filled Space External Capsule (Connective Tissue)
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #30: Cardiac muscle – human (H&E) 4x 10x Blood vessel
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #30: Cardiac muscle – human (H&E) Intercalated discs Bi-nucleated cell Mono-nucleated cell Striations Branching cells 40x
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #32: Cardiac muscle – rat (H&E) 4x 10x
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #32: Cardiac muscle – rat (H&E) Blood vessel Intercalated disc 40x
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #32: Cardiac muscle – rat (H&E) Branching cell Striations Bi-nucleated cell Mono-nucleated cell 40x
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #37 Heart, Right Atrium - Human (H&E) 10x Longitudinal section Cross section
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #37 Heart, Right Atrium - Human (H&E) 40x Longitudinal section Nuclei: one per cell and centrally located Intercalated discs
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #37 Heart, Right Atrium - Human (H&E) 40x Lipofuscin granules
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #38 Heart- Sheep (Masson’s Tri-Chrome) 4x Cross section Longitudinal section
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #38 Heart- Sheep (Masson’s Tri-Chrome) 40x Cross section Longitudinal section Intercalated discs
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #38 Heart- Sheep (Masson’s Tri-Chrome) 40x Purkinje fibers –Pale staining in center of cytoplasm –Peripherally located myofibrils –Round nuclei
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #93 Colon-Monkey (H& E) 4X Smooth Muscle Cross-Section
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #93 Colon-Monkey (H& E) 10X Smooth Muscle Cross-Section Muscularis Externa Inner Layer (longitudinal) Outer Layer (Cross-section)
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #93 Colon-Monkey (H& E) 40X Cells packed closely together No striations Minimal Intracellular Space Centrally Located, Ovoid Nuclei Muscularis Externa Inner Layer (longitudinal) Outer Layer (Cross-section)
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #87 Gastroduodenal Junction- Human (PAS & Hematoxylin) 2X External Lamina Smooth Muscle Cells
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #87 Gastroduodenal Junction- Human (PAS & Hematoxylin) 4X Smooth Muscle Cells External Lamina Glycoasminoglycans Reticular Fibers
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #87 Gastroduodenal Junction- Human (PAS & Hematoxylin) 10X External Lamina Smooth Muscle Cells
Anatomy & Neurobiology Slide #87 Gastroduodenal Junction- Human (PAS & Hematoxylin) 40X
Anatomy & Neurobiology Similarities and Difference in Muscle Types (H & E) 4x Long Fibers Lack Branches Discernable Fiber Bundles Striations Lend Banded Appearance Fibers Branch and Anastomose Striations and Intercalated Discs are Indiscernible at Low Power Less Uniform Structure Lack Striations And Discs Tightly Packed Fibers Skeletal MuscleCardiac MuscleSmooth Muscle
Anatomy & Neurobiology Similarities and Differences In Muscle Types (H & E) 40X Discernable A & I Bands Multinucleated Fibers Long Fibers that Do Not Branch or Anastomose Striations Apparent, But Less Defined Mono- or Bi- Nucleated Cells Fibers Branch and Anastomose with less linear structure Fibers Lack Striation Single, Centrally Located Nucleus Short, Spindle Shaped Cells that Do Not Branch Skeletal MuscleCardiac MuscleSmooth Muscle
Anatomy & Neurobiology