The 51 ½ Things You Can Do With Google Steve Holt Owner, Steve Holt Consulting
1. Search the web
2. Search for images
3. Google toolbar
4. Read the news
5. Android Mobile Phones
6. Do some shopping
7. Google Checkout
8. Google Shopper
9. Document your life
10. Search for books
11. Search for scholarly works
12. Create communities
13. Create a website
14. Make Google your home
15. Chrome browser
16. Google Bookmarks
17. Chat with others
18. Search company info/stocks
19. Keep track of your schedule
20. Organize your photos
21. Chrome Notebooks
22. Convert currency
23. What time is it?
24. Translate languages
25. Flight Status Updates
26. accounts
27. Google+
28. Google is your calculator
29. Get your local weather
30. Dictionary
31. Watch videos
32. Google Listen
33. Manage your website traffic
34. Earn money with Adsense
35. Advertise: Adwords/Boost
36. Collaborate on documents
37. Custom search for your website
38. Google Alerts
39. Google Reader
40. Google interactive maps Example: Steve Holt’s houseSteve Holt’s house
40. Google interactive maps
41. Google Places
42. Google Maps Navigation
43. Navigate the earth
44. Navigate the moon
45. Google Sky Map
46. Google helps you park
47. Google 411 Looking for something? Just send a text message to googl (46645) Examples: mexican Holt You’ll then get a list of all places that serve mexican food in Martin, or people named Holt who live in Martin
48. Google Voice My GV number: HOLT
49. Find out where they are
50. Google goggles
51. “Near Me Now”
51 ½ - The best feature ever!!
Steve Holt GV HOLT