ServicePoint 5.0 Upgrade Overview 1 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Navigation & Home Log in takes you to the Home Page with a new look Home Page Banner Logos can be uploaded Agency/Program name will display Date appears User name/ServicePoint Access Level 2 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Navigation & Home No more Green Tabs across the top – all navigation buttons are on the left side of the screen User settings allow for tabs to be hidden if not needed Each module will have a unique color stripe and logo that will remain visible when in the module for easy identification 3 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Navigation & Home Last Viewed – Links will appear for you to quickly navigate to the last 10 client profiles accessed Less and More links will allow you to expand or collapse these as needed Clients will display with name and id # 4 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Navigation & Home Favorites– Links can be added for users to quickly navigate to up to 10 clients, providers, or administrative functions they visit often. Clients can be added at the profile page, the household page, services page, etc. and will appear protected with their id numbers in () Less and More links will allow you to expand or collapse these as needed Edit Favorites link allows users to change the order of the favorites or delete favorites from the list 5 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Navigation & Home Help File Clicking on this icon will take you to the help file where you can search for instructions on how to use ServicePoint. 6 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
7 Each Module of ServicePoint is identified with a unique color and logo. The vibrantly colored header will remain visible for the user while moving around within a module. Module Colors & Logos Navy blue Lime green Royal blue Orange Purple Brown Green Gray
Home Page Dashboard New to ServicePoint 5 is an informational dashboard that allows you to customize the ServicePoint home page to include up to 8 dashboard elements (depending on your user access level) called dashlets. These dashlets provide meaningful information to help you to easily view and understand the data. You must be logged into ServicePoint 5 with your ServicePoint username and password to see the dashboard. 8 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Time Out Prior to automatic timeout - New warning message has now been included! The following warning message will appear if you are about to be timed out: Clicking on Continue will reset the timeout clock for another 30 minutes Clicking on Logoff will log you out and will return you to the log in screen 9 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Collapse & Expand Navigation Clicking an arrow/triangle will expand a list or a section of the screen Use the arrows/triangles to open or close a submenu or to create more workspace on the screens Users can hide the menu if desired, by clicking on the right-hand border of the menu 10 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Collapse & Expand Navigation Home Page Banner – can be collapsed for more space on screen Use White triangles to collapse or expand Mode – Enter data as will display on Home Page Banner Shadow - Agency Administrators have been given the ability to shadow their users for data entry/cleanup Back Date Mode - entered here and remains in effect throughout the client record Note: Navigation tab collapse function will be disabled when MODE, SHADOW or BACK DATE are being used 11 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
Back Date Mode Banner – will remain bright yellow while in back date mode Click on Date to return to live mode Click on Back Date to change the date to a different back date User cannot collapse banner while in back date mode 12 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
More Home Page Changes System News and Agency News – Now appear as links for more space on page Click a news item to open and view Sorted by date You will be able to change the order in which news items appear 13 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview
– Chrome (best) – Firefox (if you can’t use Chrome) – Safari (if you can’t use Chrome) Don’t use IE (Internet Explorer) if possible Preferred Browsers ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 14
SP5 Workflow Changes Backdate mode resets most dates to the backdate system-wide Creating a household is simpler All workflow steps are in tab format (no more orange boxes) Entry-based programs complete assessments in the entry/exit section Service transaction tabs are named differently Green (or red) bar replaces “H” button to view response history. ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 15
Home Page: What’s Changed? Top section Backdate mode; ART Left-hand section ClientPoint (access data entry) and other modules Reports, “Last viewed,” “Favorites,” and Logout Use triangles: to expand, to minimize Center section News: click on a headline to see all details Follow-up list (THP programs and Matrix) ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 16
Home Page: Last Viewed and Favorites Last Viewed Click on “last viewed” to see a list of clients you have previously viewed in your current session. If you have just logged in, this will be blank. Favorites Click on “favorites” to see clients whose records you commonly use and would like to access from session to session. Clicking on the star next to the client’s name selects them as a favorite. Use arrow to minimize 17
Backdate Mode: New Date Icons :“choose date” – brings up calendar : “clear date” : “set to current date These icons appear whenever you see a date field in ServicePoint 5 ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 18
Backdate Mode Backdate mode still resets the system to a date in the past What’s new? Place in workflow (backdate mode immediately follows the login)! Changes all dates in the system to the backdate—not just the assessment date. This prevents errors and reduces the number of data entry steps! Placement on the screen (top right-hand corner) Guidelines for when you need to backdate Pop-up reminder to backdate whenever opening a record ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 19
Backdate Mode When do I leave backdate mode? Only when you are completely finished with the client or household member’s record How do I leave backdate mode? Click on the next to the backdate Make sure set a new backdate for each new client you enter into the system – check their program entry or service start date first. ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 20
Client Search What’s new? New “global search” option Click on “Client Point” on the left-hand side of the screen to access the client search. Can now search by client alias. New icons accompany possible matches: : Edit (click to go to a client’s record) : Created by your provider (replaces red star icon) ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 21
New - Summary page First screen you will see when you enter a client record Summary page highlights client basics Name and demographics Release of Information Households Entry/exits Services ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 22
Creating Households What’s changed? Click green plus sign instead of client’s name to add potential matches to the household Add all clients to household first. Then update relationship information for all members at once. Add demographics by clicking through each client’s name in the pop-up – checkbox changes to green as information is completed. ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 23
Managing Households What’s changed? New “Manage Household” button Members can leave and re-join household at different dates and with different relationships through new icons “Add/Delete Household Members” - use to add new members or remove clients who never should have been added to the household New “Household History Report” button to show household changes over time (type, members, relationship, etc.) ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 24
Assessments What’s new? Last tab on the screen Entry-based programs: complete in the entry/exit tab Service-based programs: complete in the assessments tab New drop-down list of assessments New City Lookup feature What’s changed? H is no longer used for History. Use colored (green or red) bar to the left of the question to view historical data Household Data Sharing can still be found and completed in the Assessments section but can also be completed in the Entry/Exit tab after adding an entry and clicking Save Must push “add household data” button after selecting from drop-down list. Click “save & exit” when done. ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 25
New data entry workflow 1. Go into Back date Mode – new reminder! 2. Search for client/create new record 3. Create a household (if applicable) 4. Complete ROI (if applicable) 5. Use the Entry/Exit tab to: 1. Enter clients into the program 2. Complete the Household Data Sharing Assessment (if serving a household) 3. Complete Assessment questions for each client 6. Enter Service Transactions (if applicable) 7. Make updates in the Assessments tab, if applicable 8. ShelterPoint Check-in 9. Exit the client and close services, if applicable 10. ShelterPoint Check-out ServicePoint 5 Upgrade System Overview 26