Firefox To get the IE Add-On for Firefox – Open Firefox – Click on the menu icon in the upper right corner:
Firefox When this menu opens up click on the Add-ons icon (puzzle piece in the lower right corner of the menu)
Firefox Search for ‘IE’ in the search bar in the upper right corner When the results come back install the Add-on titled: “IE Tab V2 (Enhanced IE Tab) ”
Firefox Once the Add-on is installed Firefox will suggest restarting Firefox now, do that to enable this Add-on After Firefox has restarted you’ll see a button in the upper right corner of the browser window that looks like this: This button will enable you to view and use LMAA within Firefox
Firefox Go to (in Firefox) and click on the new button in the upper right corner. Login to as you normally would and click on the LMAA link.
Chrome To get the Chrome extension that will allow LMAA to work within Chrome do one of the following: – Follow this link: tab/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd?hl=en-US tab/hehijbfgiekmjfkfjpbkbammjbdenadd?hl=en-US – Or go to the Chrome web store and search for and install IE Tab:
Chrome Once the extension is installed this button will appear in the upper right corner: This button will enable LMAA to work within Chrome Go to and click on this button and login to SRDS as you would normally would. Then click on the LMAA link and run reports.