K-8 Curriculum Reading Writing Math (Number Sense and Fluency) Moby Max K-8 Curriculum Reading Writing Math (Number Sense and Fluency)
Mobymax.com 1. Register or Log in 2. Home screen 3. Fact Master 4. Create and Upload Roster 5. Student sign-in
1. Register or Log in to Moby max Visit the following website: Mobymax.com (I use Chrome or Firefox; not sure how well this works with Internet Explorer….)
Sign in screen If you have an account, select TEACHER and then enter your school email (firstname.lastname@jcsb.org) and employee ID (32xxx). If you do not yet have an account, select the blue hyperlink Don’t have a MobyMax account yet? Sign up today.
2. Home screen The home screen is the dashboard for Moby Max. It looks very similar for teachers and students; students simply have access to fewer features.
Home Screen
Features Subjects Classroom tools Student Motivation center Teacher extras Moby tablet Classroom statistics Subjects – this is where you will find your subject area content Classroom tools – this is where you will find various classroom tools, such as you roster, the wall, worksheets, etc. Student Motivation center – this is where you will find “extras” that will help to motivate your students – badges they can earn, games they can play, vibes you can share, and contests. Teacher extras – giveaways, etc. Moby tablet – information on ordering the Moby tablet for the classroom. Classroom statistics – a snapshot of your classroom.
3. Fact master Math fact practice…
Fact master Subjects – this is where you will find your subject area content Classroom tools – this is where you will find various classroom tools, such as you roster, the wall, worksheets, etc. Student Motivation center – this is where you will find “extras” that will help to motivate your students – badges they can earn, games they can play, vibes you can share, and contests. Teacher extras – giveaways, etc. Moby tablet – information on ordering the Moby tablet for the classroom. Classroom statistics – a snapshot of your classroom.
FACT Master Students start by taking a Fluency FACT test. The test works through Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division until it finds the spot where students are no longer functioning fluently. Students are then placed for practice and daily assessment of math facts. Students should work on fluency for about 5 to 10 min a day to practice.
Math – this is the screen the student will see when selecting fact master for the first time.
Your turn Using the login information provided, sign in to MobyMax as a student. Select Fact Master and take the placement test…
4. Create and upload class roster This cannot be done by the district this year. You will have to create and upload your rosters. In order to keep the same username and password for each student (similar to our “single sign on”), you will need to manually enter student information. MobyMax provides a spreadsheet format for this….
Create a roster and add students
Select import students
Download the spreadsheet it will open in excel
Enter sutdent information in the cells – first name, last name, student id, grade, username, and password; save the file! Student ID is the 32000 number. Username is up to first 5 letters of last name and last 5 digits of student ID. Password is S and last five digits of student ID. This will keep logins consistent from grade to grade, school to school, etc., and students will only have one login to remember to access everything.
Select the file you saved in the previous step upload the spreadsheet Select the file you saved in the previous step
Import the uploaded spreadsheet
When the upload is complete, you will receive confirmation that your classes are ready to go.
5. Student sign in When you create your class, you will be given a class code. This code will be available under the ROSTERS button. This is the easiest way for a student to join your class…
School code – students will need to login
Mobymax.com students will sign in as student and enter the school code that you give them (previous step)
Student home screen