Slide Number1 Eastern and Northern Ontario Scouting Service Centre Myscouts training webinar Paul Johnsen & Bethany Tory January 2013
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Agenda This is an INTERACTIVE session – to start thinking about myscouts, the following areas will be covered: 1.myscouts by the numbers 2.Recent changes on myscouts 3.Coming soon! 4.Scouts Canada Volunteer Requirements 5.Myscouts process for volunteers 6.Myscouts tips – volunteer activation 7.Tips and Tricks: #1 Registration set up 8.Tips and Tricks: #2 Find a Group 9.Life according to my mother… 10.Questions sent in 11.Where can I get more HELP?!
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | myscouts by the numbers April 20, 2012August 27, 2012 November 6, 2012 January 4, 2013 # of active users ,95926,96629,661 Visits to the site25,933219,370517,755611,538 Visits from mobile devices ,93533,99740,497 Total page views 195,6331,505,5483,358,7913,846,714 Pages viewed/visit BrowsersIE = 44% Firefox = 30% Chrome = 15% Safari = 10% IE = 47% Firefox = 25% Chrome = 16% Safari = 11% IE = 46% Firefox = 23% Chrome = 17% Safari = 12% IE = 46% Firefox = 24% Chrome = 18% Safari = 13% % Groups bank information Less than 10%35.8%46%46.3% # of self-regsN/A149810,32212,943
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Recent changes on myscouts DateEnhancement/change November 27Search on “Register a participant” – now searches for volunteers aged 18 and under November 28Sorting order for lists of training and recognition – chronological November 29Volunteer/Employee Directory relaunch November 29Bug fix: PRC/VSS dates for under 18s November 30Bug fix: Missing primary orgs on profile – on pending members November 30Batch sorting – last name, first name December 6Relaunch of Volunteer Screening tab December 6Ability to change primary role on myscouts December 19Recognition listing report January 7System updates and maintenance January 10Search by on myscouts January 10Prov. Health # on Emergency contact and info Quick Reports January 14Change to Group Locator message re: self-registration January 14Inclusion of section in new reg. message to Groups
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Coming soon! FunctionalityExpected date Informz – marketing tool (MARCOM)In progress - February Maximum characters on forms – screening pageCompleted – January 21 Removal of not-renewed participants – set to inactiveJanuary 29 Addition of Parent Member Type and RoleIn progress - January 31 Management reporting dataJanuary – February Role permissions – categorizationDRAFT to NLT – January Remove fee buttonFebruary 2013 Remove/edit recognition buttonFebruary 2013 Remove/edit training buttonFebruary 2013 BUG: landing page error & roles not displaying & Incomplete log out February 2013 Addition of Quality Award to display on Group LocatorJanuary – February 3 rd Party Reference ChecksAs required Recognition integrationFebruary – March 2013 Rework registration object/process (data)March 2013
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Scouts Canada Volunteer Requirements To be considered an active volunteer in the myscouts system: Volunteer registration for current year (through paper registration or self-registration); Mandatory training (CYS, Accessibility, WB I – module 1, all sections); Returning volunteers must have completed their section- specific WB I training; Complete set of screening requirements (PRC/VSS, Interview and Reference Checks); Signed code of conduct (paper copy entered by Registrar or electronic through myscouts); Approval from Group/Area Commissioner and/or Council representative.
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Myscouts process for volunteers Once all elements are in place – your Group/Area Commissioner, or Council representative can confirm your status is active from their screening tab; (activation may take up to 24 hours to be processed in the system) Outstanding generic requirements show in the “requires” column on the screening tab; Can also view full requirements through the Screening and Training Compliance report available under the “Reporting” area on; If a volunteer is activated without ALL requirements completed, the information (volunteer, approver, date and missing elements) will be added to an exception listing which is distributed and followed up by your Council.
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Myscouts Tips – volunteer activation Terminology for statuses in myscouts: –Not renewed: no current registration for Member in myscouts; –Pending: the Member is missing screening or training requirements, or is waiting for approval. Members without an “Active” status do not have access to information about other Members; Group Registrars must be active before registering their Group Members; It is currently not possible to view Member profiles for those who are not renewed, or are inactive. These Members can be renewed by choosing the “Register a Volunteer” option; Training is available to all Members with a profile on myscouts, regardless of their status in the system.
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Tips and Tricks #1: Registration set up Main steps for registration set up (traditional or self- registration): –Setting up fees and date parameters for the Group –Setting up maximum participants and volunteers for the session –For self-registration: Submit Group bank account information to the National Service Centre Ensure the “tick box” for self-registration is enabled Enter day of week for meeting & proper address How to test if self-registration is working?
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Tips and Tricks #2: Find a Group Find a Group set up – what information is required? Why doesn’t my Group show up? What information is drawn and distributed, and to whom? Where do the Find a Group inquiries go?
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | According to my mother: You should learn something new everyday! Wildcard search capability: ‘%’ - multiple; ‘_” - single; in profile versus myscouts web account; Permissions are based on your most senior role not on your primary role; Profiles versus roles; Youth aged require set up for access to myscouts and a unique address; To view information on not-renewed members, start their registration process, and then cancel; In Volunteer Screening Tab, use right click and back to move back to previous screen; Timing on nightly system updates; How to check parents’ training records.
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Questions – sent and not yet answered: Do we still need a paper registration form if they registered online? The signed Code of Conduct sheets aren’t mailed to the Council office anymore? How do you remove names of youth from myscouts who got a refund and left the program? What about volunteers? What should happen if a volunteer’s interview information is shown as incomplete? What should you do if one of your volunteers has the incorrect role listed? I am the GC for 1 st Expedition and I don’t have the admin options button to add a role for my daughter who is an SIT – Why? Why does the “request new password” never work?
1-888-SCOUTS-NOW | Where can I get more HELP?! Scouts Canada Help Centre: Searchable Knowledge Base: Training page on myscouts: Bethany Tory, Membership Services