Tips and Tricks Launched new version on May 19, 2014 using Adobe AEM.
What is BrandNext? BrandNext is the corporate digital asset management system that houses all brand marketing and communications materials for users to search, download and use.
Important Information to Remember: Employees do NOT need to request access Just log in using your native ID (aiu#, cn#, aj#, kr#, my#, etc.) and password. Google Chrome is the preferred browser If you do not have Chrome, you can download it from the Software Center or request it from your Service Desk. Internet Explorer 8 will not work with BrandNext. Internet Explorer 9 and Safari are supported. NOTE: if you do not have Chrome as your default browser and are using IE9, please make sure your settings are not “IE9 Compatibility Mode”. This will interfere with the display of the current BrandNext. Global sharing – ALL affiliates will have the ability to share Quicker time to market – no shipping (waiting over a week or more to ship disks of assets to affiliates) One source of “truth” –assets get updated on BrandNext so the latest are always available on BrandNext. Brand Consistency – Users stick with the assets on BrandNext, follow the standards on BrandNext, brand consistency will start to happen.
Important Information to Remember: When you log onto BrandNext for the first time, you will be requested to choose your preferred location This should be your “local” search choice. For example, Corporate, Japan, Europe, etc. Download whenever possible Do not place an asset request when download is available. If you have difficulty downloading, please email the BrandNext Team or place a Remedy ticket with the Service Desk. Global sharing – ALL affiliates will have the ability to share Quicker time to market – no shipping (waiting over a week or more to ship disks of assets to affiliates) One source of “truth” –assets get updated on BrandNext so the latest are always available on BrandNext. Brand Consistency – Users stick with the assets on BrandNext, follow the standards on BrandNext, brand consistency will start to happen.
Important Information to Remember: Need help? Contact the Service Desk or your local BrandNext (or DCP) Representative*: Asia Pacific: Sharon Chen China: Seven Ma/Sally Ren Corporate: Char Scheppman Europe, India, Russia: Iryna Grubmann Hong Kong: Paul Lee Japan: Yuri Kuboaki/Eriko Takiguchi Korea: Yong-Sung Kim Latin America: Alejandra Briones North America: Sonja Hoezee Southeast Asia: Loh Yee Won Taiwan: Colleen Liu/Brandon Kuo *Representatives are being defined. This list is likely to change based on market launch/resources.
Features and How/When to use them 300 dpi .jpg renditions Print publications where high resolution is needed. 150 dpi .jpg renditions PowerPoint Presentations. 72 dpi .jpg renditions Website or when low resolution (email) is needed. Video: Submaster renditions Used for localization/usually split audio with no GFX for translation and editing. Video: h.264 web/mobile .mp4 renditions Large display. Good for showing in large auditoriums (i.e., World Headquarters). Ideal for use on websites and mobile devices. Video: 500px width .jpg (large preview) Larger preview mode for large displays/presentations and conference rooms. Video: Low-res .wmv Low quality for displaying on computer or web. (Not available for all videos.) Contact Sheets w/deep links into the system Email contact sheets instead of emailing actual asset for review. NOTE: if user does not have Chrome as default and is using IE9, please make sure their settings are not IE9 Compatibility Mode. This will interfere with the display of the current BrandNext. Cart Great for use in compiling assets for use in PowerPoint Presentation – when selection of assets are found by multiple searches.
Features and How/When to use them Advanced Search Narrow search down before searching (Careful -- may narrow search down to no results.). Filtering Search Narrow search results AFTER keyword searching. Navigation Browse (top menu “search”) Drills down directly into folder structure to view assets. NOTE: this is your LOCAL folder structure. Save Search Used when performing the same search criteria frequently. This will ensure updated search results without needing to type in the search criteria every time. Local Search Searching only your local shared and non-shared assets. Shared Search Searching your local shared assets and all regions shared assets. This includes Corporate shared assets. Must select Shared to find Corporate assets if you are not in Corporate. What’s New “Collections” Quick access to new launches for 90 days. Corporate “What’s New” is only on Corporate URL ( at this time. Currently working to get them on affiliates’ servers. Help Information Brings you to the Information Site for all BrandNext help. Used whenever you want to go back to the home page. and Near Cart This toggles the cart open and close.
Features and How/When to use them Located in the Asset Detail page, this link will display details on how, when and where to use the asset (not all assets will have this link). Video playback controls. Email an asset to someone inside or outside the company. Asset must be smaller than 25MB to send. Recipient may have smaller file size limit to receive. Download the original or rendition of an asset. Add asset to cart. Request an asset. Should only be done when asset is either watermarked on BrandNext or asset is missing from InDesign file (i.e., stock image not loaded).
More Questions? Or, reach out directly to the BrandNext Team! Char Scheppman (AEM Owner) Jami Lundborg (AEM Admin) Mindi McKay (Content Lifecycle Coordinator)