Browser Tabs Presented by Keystone Computer Concepts
Tabs – What are they? Tabs are sections of a browser window
Tabs – What are they? Tabs allow you to open multiple webpages in the same window.
Tabs – Who has them? All five (5) of the major browsers: –Internet Explorer 9 –Firefox 4 –Google Chrome 10 –Safari 5 –Opera 11
Tabs – How do you activate them? To open a new tab –CTRL + T OR
Tabs – How do you activate them? –Click on the plus sign Opera, Firefox & Chrome –Double-click Opera –Click on the small tab IE
Tabs – How do you activate them? To open a link in a new tab –CTRL + Click –SHIFT + Click (Opera) OR Right-click and select “Open in new tab.”
Tabs – Advantages You have better control of your viewing because you don’t have tons of Internet windows open
Tabs – Advantages You can do searches and look at different results without losing your original search
Tabs – Advantages You can save an entire group of tabs as a favorite so that you can go back to the pages later without having to redo a search. (Exception: Opera)
Tabs – Advantages To save a series of tabs in a group, do the following: In IE, go to Add to Favorites and click on “Add current tabs to favorites”
Tabs – Advantages To save a series of tabs in a group, do the following: In Safari, Chrome or Firefox, Right-click on any tab and choose “Save all tabs” (sic)
Tabs – Advantages To save a series of tabs in a group, do the following: Doesn’t work in Opera
Tabs – Advantages You can change the order of the tabs simply by dragging and moving the tab where you want it.
Reminder We’re still looking for more KCC Toolbar Beta Testers Signup at:
Our Next Seminar Saturday, May 14, :00 a.m.-12 Noon Trinity United Methodist Church 2221 NE Savannah Rd Jensen Beach In the choir room!