Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I. Shutter Speeds 12 slides Copyright © 2003 – 2009 Kenji Tachibana
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: P roper Exposure: A precise amount of light must reach the sensor to make the proper exposure. Two factors contributes to that end: 1.Lens openingControlled by aperture 2.Shutter duration Controlled by shutter speed. Both have Whole and partial f/stop settings. The aperture has the f/stops and the shutter open duration is controlled by shutter speed.
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: W hole Stop Increments: Whole stop difference means that the amount of light entering the lens either doubles or halves It halves when going from 1/30 th to 1/60 th. It doubles when going from 1/30 th to 1/15 th. Halves Doubles Halves Doubles 4 sec - 2 sec - 1 sec - 1/2 - 1/4 - 1/8 - 1/15 - 1/30 - 1/60 - 1/ / / / / sec - 2 sec - 1 sec - 1/2 - 1/4 - 1/8 - 1/15 - 1/30 - 1/60 - 1/ / / / /2000
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: F raction Confusion: The shutter speeds that you will be using mostly are fraction numbers such as 1/30 th of a second. That number often gets displayed on the camera LCD as ’30’. So when a novice sees a bigger number such as ’60’, it gets interpreted as letting in more light. Because the number is 1/60, it actually lets in less light. M O R E Light Less Light 4 sec - 2 sec - 1 sec - 1/2 - 1/4 - 1/8 - 1/15 - 1/30 - 1/60 - 1/ / / / / sec - 2 sec - 1 sec - 1/2 - 1/4 - 1/8 - 1/15 - 1/30 - 1/60 - 1/ / / / /2000
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: G reater Range than Aperture: The shutter speed range is much wider than the aperture. Only 12-stops are being shown but there are more on both the slower and faster ends. 2-sec1-sec½¼1/81/151/301/601/1251/2501/5001/1000 1/2000
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: P ractical Considerations: Speed below 1/15 are not recommended for handheld shooting. The marginal speeds are colorized in yellow. Safer speeds are colorized in green. Speeds higher than 1/500 are safe speeds for handheld shooting and action shots. 2-sec1-sec½¼1/81/151/301/601/1251/2501/5001/1000 1/2000 Whole Second | Fraction second speeds from very slow 1/5 (.5) to super fast 1/2000 (2000).
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: I ncrements: 1/3 rd stop Shutter speeds also have 1/3-stop increments. The 1/3 stop speeds have been both colorized and enlarged. 1/30 - 1/40 - 1/50 - 1/60 - 1/80 - 1/ / / / /250
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: P ay Careful Attention: Start paying attention to the aperture and shutter speed settings. Digitals cameras designed to be more of a tool instead of toy display the vital data on the LCD monitor. If you don’t see the information, toggle through the Display options or press half-way-down on the shutter button to activate the screen data feedback. Screen shots are from dpreview.com. Please use this link to visit them.dpreview.com
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: D isplay Options: Get familiar with your Display options. The three shown to the right are from my Panasonic super zoom digital. Most of the symbols might be obvious to you. If not, study your camera manual and learn to identify and understand the symbols quickly. As you can see from the third example, some Display option can make it easier to see the icons but the image area gets smaller. Using computers is about working with trade-offs…
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Shutter Speeds: S ummary: It’s through high image quality that an Image Maker conveys love for the medium. Although high image quality without a meaningful story is usually not that interesting. It would be like looking at a never-used chrome plated car engine, a waste of resources… Turn to the next slide for a bonus point opportunity
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Bonus Assignment: T hree Things Learned: Write 3 paragraphs about three new things learned from this ‘Digital Camera’ PowerPoint show. File Name:firstnameLearnSpd (kenjiLearnSpd.doc) Due Date: Turn in next class if you want to earn the bonus points. Use: Turn to the next slide to see the Word™ layout and requirements.
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I Knowledge Gained Writing Format: Student Name: First and Last Assignment: I Learned Class: Art 114 or 115 Digital Photo Campus: South Campus Date: Actual creation date Report Title: Shutter Speed Learned 1: In the slide x, I learned that ….. ……… ………… ……….. ……. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. Learned 2: In the slide x, I learned that ….. ……… ………… ……….. ……. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. Learned 3: In the x, I learned that ….. ……… ………… ……….. ……. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. ….. Use Ariel 12 or 13 font and don’t double space (conserve paper please). And use Word’s ‘default’ page layout with 1” x 1” x 1” x 1” margins Right aligned the header info Center align the title Left aligned the paragraph titles Don’t include gray text Don’t include the red text
Teacher: Kenji Tachibana Digital Photography I x End