LES VERBES EN FRANCAIS!!!!! Commençons avec les sujets… As in English, in French every sentence has to have a subject (un sujet) and a verb (un verbe).
S UBJECT P RONOUNS D OESN ’ T MATTER IF THE VERB IS REGULAR OR IRREGULAR : T HE PRONOUNS ARE ALWAYS IN THE SAME ORDER. I You You He, she, one He, she, one We We You You They They masculine & feminine Je Je Tu Tu Il, elle,on Il, elle,on Nous Nous Vous Vous Ils,elles Ils,elles
ER L A FAMILLE ER CONJUGAISON ER Conjugating the ER family Learning patterns is a key to mastering the conjugating of French verbs.
R EGULAR OR IRREGULAR ? First, determine if the verb is irregular : First, determine if the verb is irregular : 1) Know which are the irregulars. 1) Know which are the irregulars. 2) They are usually common verbs 2) They are usually common verbs. unique (no pattern)study each one. 3) They are unique (no pattern) & you have to study each one. The good news about REGULAR verbs: The good news about REGULAR verbs: They only have one of three endings They only have one of three endings They follow a pattern. They follow a pattern.
R EGULAR VERBS : THE PATTERN EXPLAINED The infinitive of most verbs in French end in the letters ER. This is the family we are studying in this presentation. The infinitive of most verbs in French end in the letters ER. This is the family we are studying in this presentation. Lesser numbers end in the letters IR and RE. Lesser numbers end in the letters IR and RE. Most follow a regular pattern for each “ending group” above. Most follow a regular pattern for each “ending group” above. Exceptions to this pattern are called irregular verbs. So if you learn the regular patterns you will know the patterns for most verbs. So if you learn the regular patterns you will know the patterns for most verbs. To conjugate each verb in the present tense, the last two letters (ER, IR, RE) are dropped and a different ending is added for each pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, you all, they). To conjugate each verb in the present tense, the last two letters (ER, IR, RE) are dropped and a different ending is added for each pronoun (I, you, he, she, it, we, you all, they).
T OUS LES VERBES DE LA FAMILLE - ER Most verbs that end in –er are part of the same family, meaning that they follow the same pattern. This means that no matter what, even if you don’t know what a verb means, you can still conjugate it by following some simple rules. An UNCONJUGATED verb, meaning it still has its ending, is called an infinitive. For example, “parler” = “ to speak”, not I speak, we speak, etc.
L ES VERBES – ER … SAME RULES !!!!! Danser Chanter Jouer Travailler Manger Écouter Téléphoner Habiter Détester Nager Étudier Aimer Organiser Inviter Parler Regarder Dîner Voyager Adorer
T HE PATTERN FOR VERBS OF THE ER FAMILY 1) Put the pronouns in order. 2) Find the stem of the verb by taking off the family name: ER 3) Add your verb endings. PronounsThe stem: parler The ending Jeparl e ee e Tuparles Il, elle, on parle Nousparlons Vousparlez Ils, elles parlent
P ARL ER T AKE THE “ ER ” OFF AND REPLACE IT BY THE FOLLOWING ENDINGS : E ES E ONS EZ ENT video & prononciation Parler video & prononciation Parler video & prononciation Parler video & prononciation Parler Je parl e Je parl e Tu parles Tu parles Il parl e Il parl e Elle parl e Elle parl e On parl e On parl e Nous parl ons Nous parl ons Vous parl ez Vous parl ez Ils parl ent Ils parl ent Elles parl ent Elles parl ent
A IMER Prononciation & video Aimer Prononciation & video Aimer Prononciation & video Aimer Prononciation & video Aimer J’aim e J’aim e Tu aim es Tu aim es Il, elle, on aim e Il, elle, on aim e Nous aim ons Nous aim ons Vous aim ez Vous aim ez Ils, elles aim ent Ils, elles aim ent
A N EXCEPTION ! Verbs that end in “ger” need to keep the “e” in the nous form: Je nageNous nag e ons Tu nageVous nagez Il / elle / on nageIls / elles nagent This is for pronunciation purposes!