Take 2 Minutes to Quit Richmond Community WREN September 15, 2011 Mary Conklin Bruce Christiansen, PhD
Presenters Mary Conklin Interstate Postgraduate Medical Association Bruce Christiansen, PhD UW Center for Tobacco Research & Intervention
Disclosures The presenters declare no financial interest in any commercial entity supporting this activity The CS2day Collaborative is funded by an educational grant from Pfizer.
What We Will Cover Today CS2day Background Why a Community Project? Educational Program Description Learning Laboratory Format Outcomes and Lessons Learned
CS2day Partners
CS2day Mission With the release of the updated guideline in 2008 the CS2day Collaboration was formed.
Our Collaboration 9 partners Over 150 certified activities, including 4 PI projects Over 29,000 learners 12 communities Over $17 million in grant funding Share needs assessment and outcomes strategy Change in patient health demonstrated
Why a Community Project? Smoking Prevalence among U.S. adults, %
Why a Community Project? The Emergence of Tobacco Related Disparities
Our Community Projects Virtual Worlds Second Life, Facebook Educators Group Employers CSX State and County Initiatives Indiana, Iowa Allegheny County Insurers Aetna Healthcare Systems Bon Secours Health System
Richmond Community Focused in Richmond, VA Partnered with Bon Secours Large multi-hospital system Smoke Free Campuses Developed an Innovative CME Activity with Learning Laboratory
Educational Design Held 12 two hour CME sessions Trained over 75 healthcare workers Nurses, Medivan staff, Parish Nurses Respiratory Therapists, Doctors Security Guards Learning Journal used Follow up outcomes survey on changes made in practice Volunteers for Learning Laboratory
At the Richmond Raceway – Sept. 2010
Learning Laboratory Setup a 30’ x 30’ booth in the corporate midway at the Richmond International Raceway Staffed with 2 CS2day faculty members and Bon Secours healthcare professionals Talked with over 500 race fans Encouraged them to fill out a smoking survey Follow-up survey with race fans
Outcomes and Lessons Learned For smokers (Race #1, day 2) Motivation to quit: 3.3 on a 1-5 scale Planning to talk with a health care provider: 62% Counselor effectiveness: 3.8 on a 1-5 scale
Outcomes and Lessons Learned For trainees: Effect of challenging setting Effect of immersion Every person has a tobacco story to tell
Once Was Not Enough… Transitioned CME sessions to Bon Secours Returned to the Raceway in April 2011 Other Learning Laboratories Bon Secours now using this educational model with other chronic diseases
Back at the Races – April 2011
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