Elementary Core French: Bonjour et BIENVENUE! A webcast for Core French Teachers Produced by the B.C. Ministry of Education and the Richmond School District, SD#38
Bienvenue! Introductions Joanne Jenkins, Ministry of Education Timma Blain, Prince George SD#57 Kelly Burt, SFU Pam Haynes, Maple Ridge SD#42 Diane Tijman, Richmond SD#38
Our goals Build on our understandings Value of second language learning Curriculum foundations Explore Share strategies, activities and tools to support you in your teaching Observe Discuss Reflect and Plan
Visual synectics Teaching French is like… because….
Our “burning” questions Richmond SD#38 teachers: Sarah Beairsto, Denise Chambers, & Sara Lai
Our questions about planning How do you plan a unit? Where can I find resources & books? Is it better to provide French instruction in two forty minute blocks per week or is daily integration of ten to twenty minutes enough or better?
Questions about instruction What importance do you put on reading & writing vs listening & speaking? What’s the best way to use flashcards? Can you share some Reader’s Theatre scripts appropriate for beginners? How do you integrate culture? What are some good games or songs that kids like?
Questions about language When introducing vocabulary, is it best to have students guess what the word means, look it up in a dictionary, or tell them the meaning? Should I teach verb conjugations? If so, do I teach them before key vocabulary so that students can make up their own sentences?
French language & culture How do you teach the language when you don’t know it yourself? How do I find guest speakers that could come to my class? What about links with Fr. Immersion students? How can I improve my French language skills?
Questions about assessment How do I assess their French? Because they are just beginning, and because of the nature of the curriculum, I want to base my marks mostly on oral participation and skills, but I have no idea how to assess them. What should I expect my students to know in order that they are prepared for high school? What do they do at the beginning of Grade 8?
Think - pair - share In groups of 2-3, discuss: The most important question for me is…. A question I still have about….
Joanne Jenkins, BC MOE
The communicative approach Video clip of Karen Lin’s Grade 5/6 class at Ferris Elementary, Richmond, SD#38 While watching, think about: What aspects of Karen’s teaching enhance language acquisition? What do you notice about the students?
People search
Kelly Burt, SFU
Pause-café Please be back at 2:30. Merci!
Pam Haynes, SD#42
Timma Blain, SD#57
Here’s What! So What?Now What?
Time for reflection and planning When teaching French, I know that…. Today I noticed that…. I wonder if…. In my classroom, I’m going to try ….
Have we answered our questions? A review of questions collected earlier
And what do the children say? Video of Francesca Juhasz’s Grade 5/6 class at Grauer Elementary, Richmond, SD#38
Other documents - Websites and other resources document What’s important in teaching French -Pronunciation tips
Quelques remerciements Joanne Jenkins, Ministry of Education
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