TDM to Support Transit Town of Markham Experience ACT Canada --TDM Summit Toronto November 16, 2009
2 Overview Introduction to Markham (2002) Markham Transportation Plan Markham TDM Experience
3 Population – 300,000 Employment – 137, th largest City in Canada and 4 th in the GTA
4 Transportation Plan Study 2002 Rapid Transit Education and Support Programs (TDM) Policy Initiatives Road Networks
5 Our TDM Journey 1990’s - OPA 5 set stage for ‘Markham Centre’ development; mixed land use, density to support rapid transit and desired community character 2001 – Markham hosts ‘Portland Sessions’ and ‘Great Transportation Debate’ to engage the public and business stakeholders concerning TMA’s and Rapid Transit 2002 – Markham Transportation Plan Study (MTPS) creates policy context to support the development of a ‘Parking Authority’ and ‘Transportation Management Association’ 2004 – Smart Commute TMA launched and Markham Centre Parking Strategy prepared 2005 – Province of Ontario introduces ‘Places to Grow’ and ‘Green Belt’ Acts designed to manage growth and support sustainability September 2005 – Viva – YRT Bus Rapid Transit launched, first on street ‘pay and display’ units installed by Town of Markham and Board of Trade assumes TMA operation July 2007 – First meeting Markham Parking Advisory Committee January 2008 – Markham Transportation Strategic Plan 5 year update begun and Markham Centre and Langstaff identified as a Metrolinx – ‘Mobility Hubs’
6 Employee Commuter Option Program ‘Lead by example’ Employer Sponsored Transit (EST) 50% discount on YRT fares Carpool Zone – ‘ride matching’ On-line ride matching and preferred parking Bicycle User Group (B.U.G.) Access to change room and discounts at bike shops Bike Share Program for employees Guaranteed Ride Home (GRH) Taxi or rental car for emergencies, overtime, etc. Telework research
7 Formed under the Transport Canada - Urban Transportation Showcase Program (UTSP) Today – Markham, Richmond Hill, York Region and Metrolinx provide program funding and in-kind support Operated by the Markham Board of Trade and Richmond Hill Chamber of Commerce Markham Centre commercial developments requested to participate Transportation Management Association (TMA)
8 Markham Businesses Active CAA CGI Hilton Suites HSBC IBM LexisNexis Markham Board Of Trade Scholastic Canada Seneca College Sunny Crunch Town Of Markham The MMM Group URS Canada Wah Lung Label York Catholic School Board Engaged ACNielsen Allstate Insurance AMD American Express Giesecke & Devirent Honeywell HSBC Financial Johnson & Johnson Toshiba Canada Lyreco Canada Markham Stouffville Hospital Nike Philips Timex YMCA – Markham Centre 22,000 + Employees
9 Smart Commute and Smart Commute Association Award Winning program 2006 Transportation Association of Canada - Sustainable Urban Transportation Award; presented to Markham & Richmond Hill Councils for the SC program 2007 FCM-CH2M Hill - Sustainable Community Award for Transportation presented to York Region along with Metrolinx, Regions of Halton, Peel and Durham as well as the Cities of Hamilton, Mississauga and Toronto OPPI - Planning Excellence and Healthy Communities Award to Smart Commute Program TAC presentation to Markham Council November 2007
10 Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Transit service (Markham, Vaughan and Richmond Hill) amalgamated in 2001 Phase 1 - Viva ‘Quick Start’ launched September 2005 Phase 2 - ‘Rapidways’ Limited park and ride facilities available Bicycle racks available at Viva stops 18.6 million trips annually 64,000 weekday trips
11 TDM and Development Markham Centre ‘Sustainable Transportation’ checklist Willingness to drive TDM deeper into the development process across all areas of the Town Requests being made for TDM Plans/Memos associated with developments requiring parking variances
12 Policy Initiatives Zoning to support mixed use development Urban design to promote non- auto travel Parking Management to optimize land development
13 Parking Management Strategy Town to take an active role in parking supply management Policies should provide ‘optimal’ parking supply in Markham Centre and Langstaff Phase in ‘on street’ paid parking Establish appropriate parking governance model Develop a business operations and capitalization plan Study expanded to examine areas across the Town (nodes and corridors) with parking pressures
14 Parking Management Considerations Land use intensification and increasing density become triggers to refine parking management Transit and active transportation investments are optimized in areas where ‘market based’ parking exists Position ‘paid parking’ as an investment in the community and not another tax
15 THANK YOU Gordon Landon York Regional Councillor Town of Markham