How many questions can you get that give you the answer Migration
Migration and Change in Richmond on Thames By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Describe the location of Richmond on Thames 2)Be able to describe key features of Richmond on Thames 3)Explain how this will impact on the characteristics of the area 4)Have completed a research task on areas on the rural/ urban fringe of cities
Where is Richmond? Task 1.Look at the map below 2.Describe the location of Richmond Extension; Why do you think this is in a good location?
Migration and Change in Richmond on Thames By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Describe the location of Richmond on Thames 2)Be able to describe key features of Richmond on Thames 3)Explain how this will impact on the characteristics of the area 4)Have completed a research task on areas on the rural/ urban fringe of cities
Key Data Task 1.Around the room are a series of information sheets 2.You need to collect as much of this information as possible 3.How do you think each of these factors will affect the characteristics of the area Key Areas; Age structure Ethnic Breakdown Status of residents Different types of housing Key Questions; 1.What figures can you get? 2.How does this impact on the area? 3.What are the good things about this? 4.What are the bad things about this? 5. Is this overall a good or bad thing?
CategoryExplanation Age structureBaby boom at 0-4 Few year olds Bulge of workers at Fewer retired people (BR 13.9 / 1000/ year and DR 8.5/1000/yr.) Ethnic breakdown Mostly white (far higher than london average) Lots of people from Poland, RSA, Aus 2001 only 9% of population were non white Status of residents Good health as they are wealthy Low number of people claiming benefits Large number of people working in managerial jobs Few in low skilled jobs Only 2.9% has no qualifications (25% have post grad) HousingHigh cost of housing in general Average house prices are 441,000 Wealthy and upwardly mobile population
Migration and Change in Richmond on Thames By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Describe the location of Richmond on Thames 2)Be able to describe key features of Richmond on Thames 3)Explain how this will impact on the characteristics of the area 4)Have completed a research task on areas on the rural/ urban fringe of cities
Who moves in? Task 1.Read through the new-paper extract detailing the people who move into Richmond 2.Make notes on their key characteristics 3.How will they impact on the local area Read the Guardian, eat out a large amount, large amounts of debt (Average £48,000) New Urban Colonialists; 26% of the population, high income earners, spend a large amount of money on housing, 21 times more people than the rest of the UK Cultural leaders 22% of the population, lawyers, media, banking, they live in expensive housing and they are 23 times more likely to live in the area Global Connectors Middle aged people who have no children and work around the world
Similarities / Differences; 1.What are the similarities between the impacts of Urban Migrants and rural migrants? 2.What are the differences between the 2 different impacts of migrants? 3.Which do you think has a bigger impact on the communities? 4.Do you think that it is a good thing or bad thing overall?
Migration and Change in Richmond on Thames By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Describe the location of Richmond on Thames 2)Be able to describe key features of Richmond on Thames 3)Explain how this will impact on the characteristics of the area 4)Have completed a research task on areas on the rural/ urban fringe of cities
Urban Rural Fringe As a result of increasing prices of places such as Richmond, many people are moving away from the cities to areas on the Rural Urban Fringe. You need to research the impacts of this movement on Chelmsford in Essex; 1.Why do people move here? 2.What are the positive impacts for the Migrants? 3.How does it help existing residents of Chelmsford? 4.What are the negative impacts for the migrants? 5.What are the negatives for the existing residents? 6.How does it change the rural areas? 7.Do you think that it is overall a good or bad thing? 8.Add in figures to back up all ideas 9.Ideas should be typed up and then uploaded to the WIKI Key ideas to research House prices Age/ sex structures Average incomes Impacts on industry Impacts on farming Conflict Top Tip; Look up the Census data 2011 for the area to add in figures to your information
Similarities/ Differences How are the impacts similar? How are they different? What are the impacts?
Migration and Change in Richmond on Thames By the end of the lesson you will; 1)Describe the location of Richmond on Thames 2)Be able to describe key features of Richmond on Thames 3)Explain how this will impact on the characteristics of the area 4)Have completed a research task on areas on the rural/ urban fringe of cities
What do you think? Migration in rural areas is not good for all involved It is good to have migration into an area There are more benefits for rich people than poor people in Richmond Migration in the rural urban fringe is bad for the character of rural areas