National Park Service William T. Sherman. Ruins seen from the capitol, Columbia, S.C., 865. Photographed by George N. Barnard. National Archives Grant instructed his General, William T. Sherman, to conduct a “ scorched earth ” campaign, instructing them to: “ destroy everything that cannot be consumed.” In other words, if the Union army had no use for something, destroy it or kill it! Make life miserable for rebel civilians!
General William Tecumseh Sherman created a path of destruction 60 miles wide and 300 miles long from Atlanta to Savannah Georgia. Sherman destroyed everything in sight including railroads, homes, factories, barns, etc. In this new type of “ total warfare ” also included civilians.
At this time Lincoln was up for re-election, but his prospects did not look good. Northerners were tired of war, and Democrats nominated George McClellan – he stood a good chance of winning on an antiwar platform. Sherman’s success was important to Lincoln because Northerner’s could sense victory after his total war campaign. Lincoln won re-election in 1864 with 55% of the popular vote. George McClellan Lincoln’s 2 nd General of the Union Army Fired because he was slow and indecisive and did not follow the South’s retreat after battle of Antietam Abraham Lincoln
Grant continued to fight several very costly battles on his drive toward Richmond. More than 60,000 troops died or were wounded during this time. A burial party on the battle-field of Cold Harbor Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division
Lee set up a defense, a series of trenches, at the entrance of Richmond in a town called Petersburg. The Union also dug trenches and the two armies faced off for ten months until Grant got fresh troops. The Union took Petersburg on April 2 nd and Richmond April 3 rd ! Fort Sedgwick in Petersburg, Va National Archives
Richmond before…
… And Richmond After!
Dead Union and Confederate soldier lying side by side April 3, 1865 (6 days before the war ended) Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division
Lee had pulled his army out of out of Petersburg and settled in Appomattox Court House, VA. There he determined that Grant would easily slaughter his troops if fighting continued. Soldiers in the trenches before battle, Petersburg, Va., National Archives
William McClean’s Home Appomattox Court House, VA 1865 Lee surrendered to Grant at Appomattox Court House on April 9, 1865.
Grant was very generous to the Confederates at Appomattox Courthouse. Soldiers could return home in peace, take their personal possessions and horse with them. He also gave food to the hungry Confederate soldiers
Five days after the end of the Civil War, Abraham Lincoln was assassinated by a vengeful actor named John Wilkes Booth with Confederate sympathies while watching a play at Ford’s Theater in Washington, DC. The assassination of President Lincoln: at Ford's Theatre, Washington, D.C., April 14th, 1865.
Lincoln was carried across the street to a boardinghouse where he died the next morning with his wife and son Robert present. Death of Abraham Lincoln, April 15th 1865
Lincoln’s body was taken through several cities by train and mourners gathered to pay tribute to the murdered President
The hunt was on for John Wilkes Booth and any other conspirators. Booth was fin- ally tracked down 12 days after the assassination in a barn near the Garrett House in Port Royal, VA.
John Wilkes Booth Upon capture, it is suspected that Booth was shot to death in the barn by sergeant Boston Corbett who acted against orders and shot him.
Eight accused co-conspirators were also arrested for being part of the plot to kill Lincoln. Four of them were found guilty and… Lewis Powell George Atzerodt David Herold Mary Surratt
…put to death! The others were sentenced to life in prison or pardoned by President Andrew Johnson. One had charges dropped after a hung jury. Washington, D.C. Hanging hooded bodies of the four conspirators; crowd departing Library of Congress Prints and Photographs Division