Ms. Richmond’s Classroom Welcome to Ms. Richmond’s Classroom
About Me: My name is Aaron Richmond. I was born and raised in Bowling Green, KY where I attended Warren Central High School for four years. Growing up, I was raised by my mother, Kim Richmond and grandparents, Gary and Leslie Jerls. I played both basketball and softball in high school and received a full scholarship to play basketball at the University of Toledo. After two years, I transferred to Lee University in Cleveland, TN to be closer to home and continued my college basketball career. I was a two-year Varsity letter winner there, a 2007 SSAC 1st Team All-Conference and Defensive Player of the Year and the 2008 SSAC All-Conference MVP. I graduated in July 0f 2008, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Psychology.
About Me Cont. I live in Bowling Green, KY with my six year-old dog, Espy. I teach & I’m the head girl’s basketball coach at Warren East High School. I enjoy to any sports, reading, hiking, skiing, and going to the lake!
Did you go anywhere cool/fun? Let’s find out about you… A little about you… What is your name? What do you like to do? Did you go anywhere cool/fun? What places did you see? Most memorable? Let’s find out about you…
Contact Information Feel free to contact me at anytime with any questions, comments, concerns, or suggestions you may have for myself or other staff at our school. Address: 6867 Louisville Road Bowling Green, KY 42101 Contact #: (270) 781-1277 Email Address:
On Assignments/Test You must put your first and last name The date Teacher Period This must be on every paper, assignment, or test. This teaches organizational skills and responsibility. If you don’t, it gets a big fat 0!
If you need a pencil If you don’t have a pencil and need to borrow something, you better give me something of yours … Wallet Drivers license Back pack Phone Dollar
Positive Attitude: *Have a positive attitude* *Look at every opportunity as a chance to grow* *Please stay awake & keep your head up* *Smile* *Use good judgment & manners* *Don’t give up! You Can DO it*
Respect: *Be on time to class (before the bell rings)* *Please stay in your seat & ask for permission to get up* *Please use appropriate language at all times* *Please respect school & personal property* *Talk to others with respect* *Be polite to peers & adults * *Treat others the way you want to be treated*
Integrity: *Always tell the TRUTH* * Treat each other equally* *Do your OWN work* *Follow instructions* *Do what you know is right* *WE are a safe school, WE respect people and their belongings and nobody takes what is not theirs in our school*
Dedication: *Stay ON task* *Be prepared with paper & pencil* *Complete in class assignments & homework* *Study for tests* *Try your best every day, do NOT give up* *Seek out assistance for material you don’t understand*
Excellence: *Get to class on time* *Return promptly to class after an office visit or restroom break* *Please do not stand by the door before the bell rings* *Express a LOVE for LEARNING* *Strive to meet expectations of the class* *Help others; it’s a great feeling* *Show WEHS school PRIDE *
Cell Phones There will be NO cell phones in class. This means no personal phone calls, texting, listening to music. If I see it, I will warn you once, after the first warning I will take it up and take it to the office for you to get back at the end of the day (with a write up). Do not ask to listen to music from your phone, I will play music from my computer! We may have a couple days during the quarter, we will do research or look up definitions, if you’re good for the week (no write ups, on time to class, work is turned in), I will let you use your phones.
Food & Drink Food and drinks are not allowed in class If you are good for the whole week and don’t get PRIDE put on the chalkboard, on Friday you may have food and drinks in the room. Again, this is a special privilege based on EVERYONE’S behavior. Don’t be that person that makes everyone miss out on special privileges!
PRIDE Rules If you want to eat or drink food on Friday, you have to behave during Monday- Thursday. This isn’t individual, this is for everyone! If you come late to class a P gets put on the board (or RIDE) If you get to PRIDE before Friday, you will not get to eat or drink on Friday
Teachers Desk & Student Workstation You need to raise your hand and ask permission to get anything from the student work station (Paper, pencil, turn in your work) Students are not allowed what so ever to touch anything on my desk or be behind my desk without permission.
Do not write on the folders I give you, they will be reused. Folders for Class Do not write on the folders I give you, they will be reused. If you write on it, damage it, or don’t take care of it, you will have to replace it.
Excuse Notebook Every time you do not have your work turned in or incomplete you will fill out the “Excuse Notebook.” After 3 entries, I will notify your parents by a phone call, email, and letter home!
You will get 3 bathroom passes a quarter. Do not ask to go to the bathroom once the bell rings, go before you come to class You will get 3 bathroom passes a quarter. When you have to use the restroom, raise your hand and ask for permission. If you have a pass, you will take it from the bathroom pass sheet on the chalkboard and hand it to me. The passes you don’t use will count for extra credit at the end of the quarter. If you tell me you have to use the bathroom, go to the bathroom, do not wander around. After 5 minutes if you are not back, I will call the office and I will consider that skipping!
Student of the Week/Month There will be a student of the week & month. This is for students that come to class prepared, behave, and show school PRIDE! At the end of the year, those who have the most for the week/month will receive a prize from Ms. Richmond!
Thank You Page! Go Raiders! I look forward to having you all in class and getting to know you all! If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to ask me at anytime! Ms. Richmond Go Raiders!