DRESDEN SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED BUDGET February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 1
Article 4: Dresden Hanover Teaching Staff Contract Settlement February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 2 Three Year Contract Base increases of 2% in each of three years, plus steps--$405,000 cost unit-wide per year Reduction in 403B match from 4% of salary to 3%--$95,000 savings unit-wide per year Elimination of sabbatical in years 1 & 2, returns in year 3--$65,000 savings unit-wide per year
Article 4: Dresden Hanover Teaching Staff Contract Settlement February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 3 Teachers have worked two years with no base or step increases Reduce Staff Development Reimbursement by $10,000, unit-wide Eliminate Alternative Track Credit Reimbursement, $25,000, unit-wide Reduce Enrichment Grants by $25,000, unit- wide Increase from 15 years to 20 years service requirement for Retirement Incentive Program
DRESDEN SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED BUDGET February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 4
Article 5: Dresden Hanover Support Staff Contract Settlement March 2, 2013Hanover Proposed Budget Slide 5 “Support Staff” are the educational assistants in each building who help with classroom management and teacher and office support. 2.5% base increase for each of three years Increase from four to six paid holidays for school year staff First year est’d addl cost: $66,648
Article 5: Dresden Hanover Support Staff Contract Settlement March 2, 2013Hanover Proposed Budget Slide Pay ratesStartTop DRESDEN/HANO VER $13.33$16.99 Grantham$12.33$15.64 Lebanon Certified$12.89$23.93 Lebanon Not Cert$11.76$22.76 Mascoma Cert I$12.67$16.03 Mascoma Cert II$13.96$17.66 Mascoma Not Cert$13.96$17.66 Plainfield Cert$12.09$18.61 Plainfield Not Cert$11.68$17.98
Article 5: Dresden Hanover Support Staff Contract Settlement March 2, 2013Hanover Proposed Budget Slide 7 Paid HolidaysSchool Year StaffCalendar Year Staff DRESDEN/HANO VER 413 Claremont1517 Fall Mountain612 Goshen Lempster79 Grantham1011 Kearsarge89 Lebanon10 Mascoma711 Newport910 Plainfield511
DRESDEN SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED BUDGET February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 8
Article 6: Dresden Hanover Service Staff Contract Settlement March 2, 2013Hanover Proposed Budget Slide 9 “Service Staff” are the custodial and maintenance staff in each building perform daily cleaning and maintenance of the buildings and building systems. 1%-2% cost of living corridor based on Northeast Regional CPI base each of three years Increase in shift differential from fifty to seventy cents per hour First year est’d addl cost: $20,185
DRESDEN SCHOOL DISTRICT PROPOSED BUDGET February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 10
The Bottom Line: February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 11 NET ASSESSMENT TOWN ASSESSMENT TOWN TAX RATES SPENDING
Per Pupil Cost History Richmond Middle School February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 13
Per Pupil Cost History Hanover High School February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 14
Base Budget: $23,233,798 Teacher Contract:$141,385 Support Staff Contract:$66,648 Service Staff Contract:$20,185 Total:$23,462,016 February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 15 Spending—The first “bottom line”
Budget February 28, 2013Slide Budget Proposed Proposed Budget (including all articles)$22,550,724$23,244,704$23,462,016 YTY % Change0.58%3.07%0.93% Dresden Proposed Budget
February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 17 $18,414,006 Net Assessment—The second “bottom line”
Revenue & Net Assessment February 28, 2013Slide 18Dresden Proposed Budget
Assessment Summary: The Third “Bottom Line” February 28, 2013Slide 19Dresden Proposed Budget
February 28, 2013Slide 20 Estimate of Tax Rate Impacts The Fourth “Bottom Line” % Change Hanover (per $1,000)$ % Norwich (per $100)$ % Norwich ($9,151 base amt) $1.6918(3.49%) Tax rates are combined: Local School and Dresden Assessment, all articles. Dresden Proposed Budget
February 28, 2013Slide 21 Expenditure Summary Dresden Proposed Budget
Slide 22 Budget Summary District-Wide Accounts Slide 22February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget
February 28, 2013Slide 23Dresden Proposed Budget Richmond Middle School Projected Enrollments
District Staffing RMS February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 24 Teachers--Reg Ed Teachers--Spec Ed Therapists Guidance Counselors Nurse Media Specialist Subtotal Certified Principal Assoc Principal Admin Asst Ed Assts Computer Technician1.00 Custodial Tutor Subtotal Other Staff
Budget Summary Richmond Middle School February 28, 2013Slide 25Dresden Proposed Budget
February 28, 2013Slide 26Dresden Proposed Budget Hanover High School Projected Enrollments
District Staffing HHS February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 27
February 28, 2013Slide 28 Budget Summary Hanover High School Dresden Proposed Budget
Another “bottom line” to consider… Class of 2012 February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 29 % pursuing post secondary education 95% SAT I Scores: MeanTop 25% Reading Math Writing National Merit Scholarship Finalists
February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 30 “3 rd 5 th ” College Acceptances
Richmond Middle School February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide students selected for Northern District Music Festival 4 students selected for to NHBDA Honors Band Festival 9 students will participate in the state Stringfest 2013 festival Dartmouth regional Robotics tournament: 2nd Place Champions Award, 1st Place Research Award, 2nd Place Robot Performance Award, 2nd Place Core Values Award.
Richmond Middle School February 28, 2013Dresden Proposed Budget Slide 32 State championship Robotics: RMS team earned the "Judges Trophy". Mathcounts team finished 2nd in regional competition RMS Team X won the puzzle round at the very competitive Phillips Exeter competition. 40 teams from around the USA and 12 from China competed. Two students placed in the top 1% and 10 more in the top 5% in the AMC8, international mathematics competition.
Questions February 28, 2013Slide 33Dresden Proposed Budget