SSSP01 The Society of Southeastern Social Psychologists (SSSP): A Self-Organizing System Deborah South Richardson Augusta State University
SSSP01 SSSP Development Timeline David Stang, Larry Wrightsman of the Society for the Advancement of Social Psychology encourage regional social psychology groups March, 1978: Organizational/Interest Meeting at SEPA (Richardson, Shaffer, Tesser; Senn) November, 1978: First meeting at University of Georgia
SSSP01 Purpose of SSSP “…information exchange and general moral support” ( May, 1978, letter to colleagues) “facilitation of communication” (SSSP brochure, 1979) “forum for interaction among social psychologists in the southeast…” (SSSP Newsletter, 1988) as social psychologists, we are tuned to recognize that proximity is important for self-organization
SSSP01 “Importantly, SSSP consists of social psychologists from both the “teacher” and “researcher” ends of the academic continuum who work in institutions ranging from small liberal arts colleges to major research universities. SSSP is one of the few professional organizations that makes an explicit attempt to include all social psychologists.” –Mark Leary, SSSP Newsletter (1988)
SSSP01 No Formal Organization: A Property of Self-Organization no “officers” no dues no formal membership list All social psychologists in the southeast can consider themselves to be members of SSSP, which is “organized” by a self-selected group of people with no budget who set up a fall conference every year.
SSSP01 Emergent Properties of the Self- Organizing System excitement scholarship –23 fall conferences –about 18 SEPA programs –collaborative relationships interaction: discussions, insights, relationships (e.g., marriages, children)
SSSP01 Who are the “individual components” from which organization emerges? Abe Tesser (UGA): 13 Mark Leary (Wake): 12 Bibb Latané (UNC,FAU): 10 D.Richardson (UGA,FAU):10 Anita Barbee (Louisville): 8 M. Cunningham (Louisvl):8 Mike Kernis (UGA): 8 Jack Brigham (FSU): 7 Frank Dane (Clem,Mercr): 7 Don Forsyth (VCU): 7 Leonard Martin (UGA): 7 Scott Allison (Richmond): 6 Keith Davis (USC): 6 Jim Luginbuhl (NCSt): 6 James Shepperd (UF): 6 Ann Weber (UNC-A): 6 Jacquelyn White (UNC-G): 6
SSSP01 5 Danny Axsom (VPISU) Val Derlega (ODU) Clyde Hendrick (Miami, TxTech) Russell Jones (UKY,UNF) Warren Jones (U.Tenn) Lou Penner (USF) Sid Rosen (UGA) Caryl Rusbult (UNC-CH) Cecilia Solano (Wake)
SSSP01 Gender of Participants
SSSP01 Individual Components: Keynote Speakers Kurt Back (Duke) -- ’78, ’86 Robert A. Baron (NSF) -- ’80 Roy Baumeister (Case Western) -- ’93 Jim Dabbs (Georgia State) -- ’95 Richard Evans (Houston) – ’84 John Harvey (Vanderbilt) – ’85 Bibb Latané (UNC) – ’87 Mark Leary (Wake Forest) – ’92, ’97 James Pennebaker (SMU) – ‘95 Deborah Richardson (FAU) – ’98 Abe Tesser (UGA) – ’89 DanWegner (UVA) – ’90)
SSSP01 Program Chairs FL: USF (1980); UNF (1984); UF (1995) GA: UGA (1978, 1985, 1996); GSU (1983); Kennesaw (2001) KY: U. Louisville (1993, 1998) NC: UNC-C (1979); Wake Forest (1981, 1987); UNC-CH (1990); WCU (1994) SC: Clemson (1986) TN: Rhodes (2000) VA: VCU (1988, 1999); VPISU (1989); ODU (1991); U.Richmond (1997)
SSSP01 Conference Sites AL: Univ. Alabama – Birmingham (1985) FL: USF (1981); UNF (1991); FAU (1995) GA: UGA (1978, 1987, 1998); GSU (1984); Mercer (2000) KY: U. Louisville (1989) NC: Wake Forest (1982, 1994); UNC-A (1983); UNC-G (1988); NCState(1990); UNC-CH (1997) SC: Clemson (1979); USC (1980, 1992) TN: UT (1993); Carson Newman (2001) VA: W&M (1986); ODU(1996); VCU/U.Richmond (1999)
SSSP01 Session Topics Self (9; ’84-’99) Relationships(8;’84- ’99) Applied (7; ’80-’00) Interdisciplinary (7; ’85-’99) Methods (6; ’78-’98) Social Cog (6; ’79- ’90’s) State of Discipline (6; ’78-’95) Attitudes/Social Influence (5; ’79-’00) Emotions (5; ’90’s) Groups (5; 90’s) Health (5; ’79-’93) Law (5; ’78-’92) Teaching (5; ’90’s)
SSSP01 Broader Impact of SSSP inspiration and encouragement for students –rub elbows with the “biggies” –student travel and poster awards initiated poster sessions