Transition Towns
What are Transition Towns? A way for us to build strong, local communities to create a future we want to live into
Transition: An Overview A vibrant, international grassroots movement that builds community resilience in response to the challenges of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis.A vibrant, international grassroots movement that builds community resilience in response to the challenges of peak oil, climate change and the economic crisis. Started in the UK and is outlined in The Transition Handbook.Started in the UK and is outlined in The Transition Handbook.
PEAK OIL CLIMATE CHANGE ECONOMIC INSTABILITY How will these affect us? How can we prepare ourselves?
Energy Descent is Inevitable Do we want to ride that wave………….Or be engulfed by it?
Energy Use Through Human History Industrial Ascent Peak Energy Techno-Fantasy Green-Tech Stability Earth stewardship Post Mad Max Collapse Great Grand Children Agriculture yrs BP Industrial Revolution Baby Boom Pre- industrial culture Historical Time Future Time Creative Descent (Permaculture)
Transition: Guiding Principles Inner and Outer TransitionInner and Outer Transition Positive VisioningPositive Visioning Inclusion and OpennessInclusion and Openness Enable Sharing and NetworkingEnable Sharing and Networking Build ResilienceBuild Resilience Self-organization and decision making at the appropriate levelSelf-organization and decision making at the appropriate level !
Transition: Ingredients Set up a temporary steering group to:Set up a temporary steering group to: –Raise awareness –Lay the foundations –Organize a Great Unleashing –Form Working Groups –(Steering Group re-forms at this point) Create visible, practical projectsCreate visible, practical projects Facilitate the Great ReskillingFacilitate the Great Reskilling Build a bridge to local governmentBuild a bridge to local government Honor the eldersHonor the elders Let it go where it wants to go…Let it go where it wants to go… Create an Energy Descent PlanCreate an Energy Descent Plan
The Solution: Co-create a Resilient, Thriving, low carbon community together in (your town)
Want to join us?
What would Richmond look like?
Local Agriculture The seed landing library Fruit tree give away Farms in Richmond High Schools Permaculture apprenticeship
Community sharing food, skills and resources
Local Transportation Refreshing Build community Improve our health! Economical!
What if Richmond was ‘energized’ by windmills and solar panels?
Green Jobs Training + opportunities
How are Transition Towns Different? Like the string that holds a necklace together Food Water Energy Transportation Arts Education Heart & Soul Health Recreation Currency
Transition: A Movement As of today, March 2010:As of today, March 2010: –60+ “official” Transition Initiatives (TIs) in 24 states across the US (250+ in the world) –We estimate that for every “official” TI there are similar groups doing this work and “mulling” it over (and an ever increasing number of people “waking up”)
Where to Find Out More The Transition Handbook by Rob HopkinsThe Transition Handbook by Rob Hopkins
Transition: Cheerful Disclaimer We truly don't know if this will work. Transition is a social experiment on a massive scale. What we are convinced of is this:We truly don't know if this will work. Transition is a social experiment on a massive scale. What we are convinced of is this: –If we wait for the governments, it'll be too little, too late –If we act as individuals, it'll be too little –But if we act as communities, it might just be enough, just in time.