1 Pre-Assessment for Quarter 1 Reading Informational Text Grade
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 2 Important Information A.This booklet is divided into two parts… 1.Teacher’s Guide a.Page 1 – 5 2.Students Assessment to be printed in a booklet form b.Page’s 6– 16 B.This booklet is intended for pre-assessing reading informational standards RI1,2 and 3 at the beginning of the first quarter. Do NOT read the passage to the students until it is time for the assessment. C.Student scores can be recorded on the class Learning Progressions Checklists. Each correct response is one point. Printing Instructions… Decide on the primary way to use this booklet, then choose one of the following ways to print this material. You can just print this entire 17 pages – then divide it into the two sections to use.OR… You might do the following by sending them to your Print Shop: Print Shop instructions… Print pages 7 – 17 in booklet format. Set print driver properties to - - Original size 8 ½ x 11 Paper size = 11x17 Print type = Booklet
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 3 Each child should have a pre-cut set to answer question #5.
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 4 Quarter One Pre-Assessment Reading Informational Text Learning Progressions with Adjustment Points (in purple).
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 5 Quarter 1 Pre-Assessment Answer Key
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 6 Pre-Assessment for Quarter 1 Reading Informational Text Name ____________________ Grade
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 7 There are things boys and girls can do to get ready for school. Eating a good breakfast helps children learn better. Wearing clothes that are comfortable is important. Backpacks are ready each morning so there is no rushing. Some boys and girls wait for the school bus. Others ride to school with family or friends. Time for School "Copyright HaveFunTeaching.com"
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 8 Name ______________ 1.Circle the picture that shows who goes to school. RI.K.1 DOK-1 Cf Answer questions that ask who, what, where, when, or how. 1 RI.K.1 DOK-2 Ci Summarize a sequence of events Circle the picture to show which happens first in the story. A B A B
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 9 RI.K.1 DOK-2 Cl Locate key details in a text to support answers. 3 RI.K.2 DOK-1 Cf Describe details that tell who, what, where, when, or how. 4 4.Circle a picture that shows something boys and girls do each morning in the story to help them learn better. 3.Circle the picture that shows something the story says should be ready each morning so there is no rushing. A B A B
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 10 RI.K.2 DOK-2 Ck Summarize key details of a text (retell). 5 5.Show what happens in the story. Put the pictures in order. (use the pre-cut pictures in the teachers guide).
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 11 RI.K.2 DOK-2 Ck Identify key details in a text that support a main topic Circle pictures that tell about the story Ready for School. A B DE C F
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 12 Lion Community Lions make a lot of noise! They roar and growl. The male lion’s loud roar warns intruders to stay away. Lions have a family and live in a community. A lion’s community is called a pride. In a pride lions help each other hunt and take care of the cubs. The female lionesses hunt for the pride. They hunt at night.
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Circle the picture that shows a lion’s pride. RI.K.3 DOK-1 Cf When asked to describe about individuals, events, ideas or information uses the words who, what, when, where and how. 7 RI.K.3 DOK-2 Ch Explains connections between cause and effect of events. 8.Circle the picture that shows how lions keep intruders away. 8 A B A B
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond Circle the story picture facts that show what lions do in a pride. RI.K.3 DOK-3 ANp Categorize facts, details, events and information (graphic) of events, ideas, information and individuals and connections to time, sequence and cause and effect. 9 RI.K.3 DOK-3 ANp Categorize facts, details, events and information (graphic) of events, ideas, information and individuals and connections to time, sequence and cause and effect. 10. What has to happen before the female lionesses can go hunting? 10 A B C D A B
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 15 STOP Close your books and wait for instructions!
Rev. Control: 08/01/2013 HSD – OSP and Susan Richmond 16 Standard RI.K.1 With prompting and support, ask and answer questions about key details in a text. DOK 1 - Cf Answer questions that ask who, what, where, when, or how. DOK 2 - Ci Summarize a sequence of events. DOK 2 - Cl Locate key details in a text to support answers. DOK 2 – Ck Summarize key details of a text (retell). DOK 2 – Cl Identify key details in a text that support a main topic. Standard RI.K.2 With prompting and support, identify the main topic and retell key details of a text. DOK 2 - Cf Describe details that tell who, what, where, when, or how DOK 2 - Ch Explains connections between cause and effect of events. DOK 1 - Cf When asked to describe about individuals, events, ideas or information uses the words who, what, when, where and how. DOK 3 - ANp Categorize facts, details, events and information (graphic) of events, ideas, information and individuals and connections to time, sequence and cause and effect. Standard RI.K.3 With prompting and support, describe the connection between two individuals, events, ideas, or pieces of information in a text. DOK 3 - ANp Categorize facts, details, events and information (graphic) of events, ideas, information and individuals and connections to time, sequence and cause and effect. Name _________________ Color the happy face green if your answer was correct or red if your answer was incorrect. Quarter One CFA Pre-Assessment Informational Text – Important Adjustment Points