Major battles 1 st Bull Run (Manassas)- Virginia, July 1861 Union dominates at first, but then Confederates take control, Union forces actually run away at end of battle Results War will be longer and more deadly than 1 st thought Union realizes troops need more training A new general is hired for the North George McCllelan
USS Monitor vs. CSS Virginia- off coast of Virginia Mar Virginia is a rebuilt Union warship, covered on all sides with iron plates, called an ironclad Union is fearful this ship will threaten Washington, DC USS Monitor is built including guns contained in a revolving turret, had 47 patentable inventions when sent into action Results No real winner of this battle, but major progress in naval technology for the world
War in the West –Union commander Ulysses Grant has success at Cairo, IL (for control of the Mississippi River) early 1862 Ft. Henry (Tennessee River) & Ft. Donelson (Cumberland River) Results –Gains reputation for toughness –Victories help secure lower Tennessee River and open path for Union troops to march into TN, MS and AL –Drove Confederates out of KT, where they were trying to persuade Kentuckians to secede
Battle of Shiloh, Mississippi, April 1862 –Grant waiting for reinforcements to invade into Mississippi –Confederate commanders Johnston /Beauregard decide to attack 1 st –2-day fight, Confederates prevail 1 st day, Union 2 nd and win –Result »Johnston dies »Massive casualties (over 23,000 dead/wounded) »Both sides realize the cost this war will have, shocked at the amount of life lost
Battle of New Orleans, April 1862 –David Farragut captures New Orleans with Union naval forces –Results: Confederacy could not use Mississippi River to carry its goods to the sea North now controls almost all of Mississippi River
War on the Peninsula McClellan spends much time and money training the huge Army of the Potomac When it comes to actually engaging in battle he is extremely hesitant Advances army by ship to a position southeast of Richmond –time/opportunities slip away as McClellan tries to evaluate the enemy’s strength –Lincoln is growing impatient with McClellan’s stalling and pressures him to act –The Confederate leaders take advantage of his hesitation and prepare to defend Richmond
Seven Days’ Battles, Richmond, VA, June1862 –series of long awaited battles between Lee’s Army of Northern Virginia and McClellan’s Army of the Potomac – all but one battle are Union victories, but over-all there is no progress made for the Union –Results Lee shows the strengths that made him a great general Lee is able to take advantage of McClellan’s hesitation Union is unable to capture Richmond Lincoln puts pressure on McClellan to be more aggressive
2 nd Battle of Bull Run, Virginia, Aug 1862 –Confederate forces attack Union troops/supply base to further protect Richmond Results –Confederate victory –Richmond is no longer threatened by Union troops –the South now is “winning” the over-all war and is 20 miles away from the Union capitol
Battle of Antietam, Maryland, Sept –Lee launching offensive into MD, very near Washington, DC –South hopes another victory will gain them support from Britain/France –Lee trying to persuade MD to secede –Southern army plans dropped/found by Union soldiers Lee was planning to divide army in 4 parts Union could attack each of 4 parts/overwhelm them –McClellan overly cautious, waits Stalling enables Lee to put forces together along Antietam Creek –Antietam is bloodiest single day of entire war Nearly 6,000 dead, 17,000 casualties Still neither army totally destroyed –Next day, Lee retreats to VA, McClellan doesn’t follow him McClellan claims victory, Lincoln fires him
Results (of Antietam) –Army of Potomac (Union) gains confidence since Lee retreated –The Union changes their war aims (goals) Lincoln would now take action against slavery –New Union leadership emerges Ambrose Burnside