AUCTIONAUCTION Neels Groesbeek ON SITE RICHMOND 39 BEAULIEU STREET Estate Late Venetia Bethany Naidoo Master’s Ref Nr 3312/2011) PMB WEDNESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 11:00
CONTENTS 1Summary of property 2Location 3Pictures 4Additional Information 5Title Deed 6Conditions of Sale
PROPERTY SUMMARY GENERAL: Property Address: 39 Beaulieu Street, Richmond Suburb & City: Situated in the City of Richmond, Provence Kwazulu Natal Rates and Taxes: R per month TITLE DEED INFORMATION: Title Deed Number:T36644/1993 Registered Owner:Venetia Bethany Naidoo & Mickey Naidoo Title Deed Description: Erf 226 Extent:593m² MUNICIPAL INFORMATION: The local authority in which the property is situated is the Division of City of Richmond, Provence KwaZulu Natal. According to the permitted zoning scheme the property is zoned Residential.
Dwelling with: 2 Bedrooms Bathroom Open plan lounge/dining room/kitchen Carport.