SOUTH AFRICA The Refilwe Life for All Project Rotary International District 5040 / 3500 / 9300
Our Project in Refilwe Community To build a dormitory for 40 boys and 40 girls.To build a dormitory for 40 boys and 40 girls. To build a school with 12 classrooms including library, computer and skill training centre, cafeteria and kitchen.To build a school with 12 classrooms including library, computer and skill training centre, cafeteria and kitchen.
Adult Training Class Elementary School Class Room Medical Clinic waiting area
Skills Development Welding Training Centre Computer Skill Training Center Adult Education Arts & Bead Work
Where is Refilwe Community It is situated on 18 hectares of land close to the Lanseria airport, north of Johannesburg and serves as a severly disadvantaged community.
Most people live in small, scattered, informal settlements. HIV and AIDS, unemployment, limited education, lack of skills and poor housing are just some of the challenges facing this community. Why Refilwe Community
New Land
Artists Impression of Plans for New Land
Our Plan
Funds Required All figures are preliminary and have not been confirmed with any party. Estimated figures were based on rough construction cost per square meter supplied by the Project Leader at Refilwe.
Funds Required Estimated Hard Costs Land (18 hectares or 45 acres) DonationLand (18 hectares or 45 acres) Donation Dormitory with amenities CAD 300,000Dormitory with amenities CAD 300,000 School building with 12 classrooms &School building with 12 classrooms & amenities CAD 300,000 Furniture (beds, bookshelves, lockers,Furniture (beds, bookshelves, lockers, bedding, desks, chairs, washer & dryer, computers trade skill training equipment, TV, kitchen and cafeteria utensils) & fixturesCAD 200,000 CAD 800,000
Funds Required Soft costs: Architect’s feesCAD 70,000Architect’s feesCAD 70,000 Engineer’s feesCAD 50,000Engineer’s feesCAD 50,000 Government permit application feesCAD 30,000Government permit application feesCAD 30,000 ContingenciesCAD 70,000ContingenciesCAD 70,000 CAD 220,000 Total cost to complete this project CAD 1,000,000+
What can you do to help? 1. Donate to the building funds.
What can you do to help? 2. Volunteer your time to work on the project.
What can you do to help? *3. Rotary Clubs and Corporations can Sponsor a classroom or a dormitory room at CAD 5,000.00
What can you do to help? *For example: With CAD 2, donation from a Club, it can be matched 3.5 times via Rotary International Resulting in Total Funds = CAD 8, District Clubs District Clubs District Clubs Total -162 Clubs
If you wish to donate, please send funds to: Bank:HSBC Bank Canada Address:6168 No. 3 Road, Richmond, BC, V6Y 2B3 Account No: Beneficiary:Rotary 5040 South Africa Orphanage Project
Fundraising in D5040 The Rotary Club of Richmond & the Richmond Sunset Rotary Club invite you to join us for a great afternoon of fellowship and fun at the Mayfair Lakes Golf and Country Club. Contact: Philip Li or Peter Raju
CONTACT US Contact :Magdalen R Leung, Past President Club:Richmond Sunset Rotary Club Tel No.: Fax No.: Contact :Michael Chiu, Past President Club:Richmond Sunset Rotary Club Tel No.: Fax No.: Contact :John C Yap, Past President Club:Richmond Sunset Rotary Club Tel No.: Fax No.: Contact:Dean Rohrs, District Governor District:5040 Club:Rotary Club of Vancouver Sunrise Tel: Cel: Contact:Chris Offer, Past District Governor District:5040 Club:Rotary Club of Vancouver Chinatown Tel:
Thank you for your time and Looking forward to your generous support.