Collaborating Across Borders to Advance Connectivity Work – and Finding Money to Pay For It Jon Kart, Richmond Land Trust, Richmond VT Phil Huffman, The Nature Conservancy – VT Chapter
Priority Linkages
Two Broad Categories of Work - Strategies within linkages - Cross-cutting strategies
- 5 primary strategies: Technical assistance for local efforts – coalition and capacity buildingTechnical assistance for local efforts – coalition and capacity building Conservation science supportConservation science support Land protectionLand protection Local land use planningLocal land use planning Enhancing permeability of key roadsEnhancing permeability of key roads - Mix of strategies varies among linkages based on current status and what’s needed Strategies Within Linkages
Technical Assistance for Local Efforts – Coalition and Capacity Building Objective: Local groups and activists have necessary skills and capacity to effectively pursue and implement a broad range of connectivity- related actions.
Conservation Science Support Objective: Provide scientific information at a variety of scales on the ecological features, connectivity priorities and community values within linkage areas to inform other strategies.
Land Protection Objective: Protect tracts with high connectivity value (e.g., stepping stones, missing pieces, around key road crossing segments) as determined through modeling and ecological assessments.
Local Land Use Planning Objective: Communities in priority areas incorporate goal of maintaining connectivity in local land use planning and zoning.
Enhancing Permeability of Key Roads Objective: Transportation agencies incorporate connectivity objectives in long-range plans and road maintenance/upgrade work along priority corridor segments.
Cross-Cutting Strategies - Model easement standards and management plan guidelines for connectivity guidelines for connectivity - Outreach materials – connectivity “branding”,land use - Outreach materials – connectivity “branding”, land use planning tools planning tools - Guidelines and models for addressing connectivity in transportation planning, maintenance, barrier mitigation transportation planning, maintenance, barrier mitigation - Convene a landscape connectivity conference
Cross-Cutting Strategies for Another Grant - Coordinate modeling across state boundaries - Region-wide connectivity signage, e.g.: "You Are Entering a Wildlife Superhighway, the Northern Apps Wildlife Corridor“ - Other ideas?
Concluding Observations - Great opportunity to advance work, leverage other $$ - A step in the right direction – but only one step - Valuable regardless of grant outcome: Better defined work plan Better defined work plan New relationships and coordination – within and New relationships and coordination – within and across borders across borders A sense of what’s needed…and what’s possible A sense of what’s needed…and what’s possible - 2C1F role: Help find and secure funding Help find and secure funding Connect local initiatives to big compelling vision Connect local initiatives to big compelling vision